Final call for the Back to School 2020 Event!
Don’t miss out! This is your final opportunity to get all of this exclusive seasonal content, including: New Skins for Volkov and Lord Vraxx, Home Team Colors, bonus Gold on login, and more! Just follow the apple icons to find these exclusive, limited-time items in Mallhalla!
Once again, there’s an updated free-to-play Legend Rotation, Brawl of the Week is now K.O. Mania, and new items are on sale!
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!
Professor Vraxx is ready to start the year with a chemistry test, while Rocker Volkov can’t wait for band practice. It’s that time of year to head Back to School! Celebrate the event and dress to impress with Home Team Colors and exclusive Skins available for a limited time.
See the list below for all the Back to School items:
Exclusive Skins
- Professor Vraxx – “Essays on why I’m the greatest space lord due Thursday. 5 million words.”
- Rocker Volkov – “Where’s my guitar pick?”
- Headmaster Fait – “Time to count the KOs, ready?”
- Ace Spiker Lin Fei – “She’s got school spirit!”
- Kindergarten Kaya – “Missed the bus? Take a mammoth instead.”
- Gridiron Xull – “The best offense is more offense.”
- First Day Asuri – “Don’t forget your bus number!”
- Greased Lightning Koji – “He’s got the chops!”
- Detention Ada – “Being bad feels pretty good, huh?”
Home Team Colors
- Show off your school spirit in these black, red, and gold colors.
- Available for every Legend with hard-earned Gold!
Oodles of Doodles
- An animated Avatar!
- “The story’s in the margins.”
Brawlhalla 101
- “Class is in session!”
- Purchasable with your hard-earned Gold!
Back to School will also feature:
- Bonus Gold per login!
- A Back to School UI Takeover. Follow the apples in Mallhalla!
This weekend we’re continuing Brawlhalla Esports with the 2v2 Autumn Championship! Viewers may participate in the Esports Viewership Rewards and earn new free cosmetic items by watching the tournament live this weekend, September 19th and 20th.
- Watch the 2v2 AutumnChampionship live September 19th and 20th at twitch.tv/brawlhalla.
To find more information about the Esports Viewership Rewards and what free prizes can be earned, check out brawlhalla.com/rewards.
This past update welcomed new bot difficulties: Extreme and Chosen! These new and challenging bots function as a hybrid Test Feature and Live Feature that are intended to help a player improve their gameplay. Players can increase the bot’s difficulty in custom game lobbies to fight against the new bot logic, Extreme and Chosen. If Test Features is enabled, though, bots on the Easy, Medium, or Hard difficulties will utilize the new bot logic as well.
- With Test Features on, pre-existing bot difficulty settings such as “Easy”, “Medium”, and “Hard” use a new system that adds behaviors and makes them more aware of how their attacks and recovery options work.
- The new difficulty settings “Extreme” and “Chosen” use this logic regardless of whether Test Features are enabled.
- Pre-existing bot difficulties still use the old logic for the time being, but can be tried with the new logic by turning on Test Features.
- In addition to being more challenging, the new Extreme difficulty setting adds Dashes and Throws to gameplay, and the Chosen difficulty setting mixes in Gravity Cancels and Chase Dodges on top of that.
- Let us know your experience with the new bot logic and difficulties! More information can be found at brawlhalla.com/test-features.
We’ve added another Legend to our weekly, free-to-play Legend rotation!
- We have expanded our free-to-play Legend roster from eight to nine total Legends for more brawling fun!
- Players can now enjoy more Legends in the weekly rotation and an opportunity to try a bigger variety of Legends.
For a limited time, we are continuing to feature the Solidarity Emote for Charity. All proceeds from this Emote will be donated to Campaign Zero. To find out more information about this non-profit organization, check out www.joincampaignzero.org.
Square off against your opponent in this hard hitting KO fest! Chew through your foe’s 5 Stocks with damage cranked up to an insane 300%! Send your challenger into orbit before they know what hit them. First to 5 KOs wins!
- 1v1
- 5 Stocks
- 300% Damage
- Follow the apples for the exclusive Back to School 2020 items.
- Check out all the new items that have been added!
- Raven Rogue Lucien and Steam Faction Scarlet
- Butterscotch Sidekick
- Smooth Moves Emote
- New Avatars
- Bulgaria, The Bahamas, Albania, Egypt, Dominican Republic, South Korea, and Transgender Pride
- Jaeyun’s price has been reduced to 5400 Gold!
- Solidarity Emote
- Limited time Emote for charity! All proceeds will go to Campaign Zero.
- Looking for a certain chest? We’re rapidly rotating through chests, so check out the in-game timer to know when the next chest will rotate.
- Find the new Sales items!
The free-to-play Legend rotation for this week includes: Jhala, Mirage, Ragnir, Queen Nai, Jiro, Cassidy, Vector, Onyx, and Kor
- Jhala – Given the title “Exalted Lion” by Apollo himself, Jhala “The Unbroken” takes the glamor of Valhalla in stride while having fun slaying her foes with Axe and Sword.
- Mirage – An occultist, martial artist, and spy, this agent uses the powers of magic and time-travel along with her Scythe and Spear to take down her foes.
- Ragnir – This apex predator, whose home is in the Fangwild, now ventures outward using his Katars and Axe to take on the rest of the Legends in Valhalla!
- Queen Nai – With each victory nourishing the gods of her people, Queen Nai has come wielding Katars, Spear, and her powerful sorcery.
- Jiro – Trained as a child by a powerful and secret shinobi family, Jiro comes into the arena with not only Scythe and Sword but shadow clones as well!
- Cassidy – The Marshal of the Old West is ready to instill justice into Valhalla with both Hammer and Blasters!
- Vector – Transforming into a jet with his Rocket Lance and wielding his Bow to fight, Vector travels through time and space to battle crime!
- Onyx – The powerful Guardian and Protector of Castle Batavia, Onyx has been offered a place in Valhalla and now defends it ruthlessly with her Cannon and Gauntlets.
- Kor – Blackguard Keep’s left platform mover takes his place in the arena wielding both Gauntlets and Grappling Hammer.