Viewership Rewards FAQ
- What are Viewership Rewards?
Viewership Rewards are free Brawlhalla cosmetic items that viewers can earn by watching Brawlhalla content on twitch.tv/brawlhalla!
Learn more by checking out the guide further along in this FAQ.
- Can I earn Viewership Rewards on other streaming platforms?
Viewership Rewards are currently a Twitch extension and will only work on the Twitch streaming platform.
- Do I have to be active in chat to earn points?
Viewers do not need to be actively talking in chat to earn points. Points are earned by watching the broadcast.
- What are the different tracks?
There are currently tracks for the Brawlhalla dev streams, esport tournaments, and Brawlhalla charity streams.
- How do I earn points for the different tracks?
Viewers can accumulate points for different tracks by watching the correlating stream. For example, to earn points for the Dev Stream track, simply tune in to the weekly Dev Streams.
- Where do I redeem my reward?
Rewards can be redeemed in-game in Mallhalla. Follow the Store tab on the Main Menu.*
- How do I gain points?
1 point = 1 minute of watch time, but the extension only actually updates every 5 minutes, so don’t worry if you’re not seeing it increase every minute live.
- My points aren’t adding up correctly on mobile. What should I do?
If you have any issues while watching on mobile, try switching to a desktop browser instead. Many phones have power-saving features that can not be disabled which prevent the system from keeping an open connection on in the background, which could cause you to receive less points than you should.
- My extension is stuck on “Loading”!
Try disabling any adblock or other types of browser extensions, they have been known to interfere with Rewards working properly.
- Can I earn Viewership Rewards on other streaming platforms?
Viewership Rewards are only available on twitch.tv/brawlhalla and can only be accessed using desktop and mobile. TV, PS4, Xbox, and other Twitch clients will not be able to access Rewards.
- How do I change the currently active reward track?
You can not change the currently active track, that is set by the stream and is always the same for everyone.
- Will a previous reward track come back sometime in the future?
Old tracks, such as the Inaugural Rewards Track, are not planned to ever be active again. However, the items in old tracks could potentially be used in future tracks, such as Community Colors.
- The stream is off and I cannot access my inventory. What do I do?
You can only access your code inventory in the extension while the stream is live. There is no way to make this available while the stream is offline.
- Can I use my viewership reward codes more than once?
Never share your codes with anyone! They can only be used once. There is no way to have a code replaced.
- I missed an event, is there any way to get the item?
While viewership rewards have a limited exclusivity, some items may appear in the Mallhalla at later dates.
Viewership Rewards Guide
Earn free Brawlhalla items for watching official Brawlhalla Esports broadcasts on twitch.tv/brawlhalla.
During an official Brawlhalla Esports broadcast you will notice a new overlay extension icon over the stream on the right hand side. You can click it to bring up your rewards progress tracker.
Select any of the images in this post to open up a larger version of the image file.
Esports viewership rewards come in the form of a twitch overlay extension on our Brawlhalla tournament broadcasts. During an official tournament the rewards system will be active and viewers can gain progress towards the next reward on their reward track.
To make sure you are earning progress towards your viewership rewards, click on the Brawlhalla Icon on the right-hand side of the stream window and select the settings button in the top right of the window that opens up.
From here, click on the section that says “Manage Access” and grant it permission to know your user ID on Twitch.
Once you have done this, refresh the page and you will be ready to begin earning viewership rewards!
The extension exists for you to have a visible tracker of your progress; you don’t need to have it open to earn rewards! The overlay is constantly tracking your progress even when you are not looking at it. All you need to do to earn rewards is watch official Brawlhalla Esports!
In the extension there are three tabs that you can browse through. The “Live” tab shows you the progress you have made on the current rewards track.
The “Inventory” tab will show you all of the codes that you have earned.
And the “Tracks” tab will show you all the current tracks that are available or have been available.
To claim what you have earned through watching official Brawlhalla Esports on twitch.tv/brawlhalla you need to select the overlay extension button and view the inventory tab. This will bring up a library of your earned codes. From here you can select items that you have earned and input the codes in-game through the “Redeem Code” button in the bottom left side of the Brawlhalla store.*
The extension has to be loaded in order to gain progress so make sure you do not deactivate twitch extensions or block them on twitch.tv/brawlhalla if you wish to participate.
Want to know when the next Brawlhalla stream is? Visit brawlhalla.com/schedule. You can find out more about Brawlhalla tournaments at smash.gg/brawlhalla and watch the tournaments live on twitch.tv/brawlhalla.
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!
*Codes not redeemable on iOS