The Brawlhalla Midseason Championship 2022
The Brawlhalla Midseason Championship 2022 is officially announced and is an in-person invitational.
Professional Brawlhalla Players from all over the world will be invited and flown out to a studio in Atlanta, Georgia to compete for a total prize pool of $150,000.
The Midseason Championship will include:
- A $70,000 1v1 Tournament featuring the top 32 players from around the world.
- A $70,000 2v2 Tournament featuring the top teams from North America, Europe and South America
- A $10,000 Regional Crew Battle Showdown where the Top 4 1v1 players from North America, Europe and South America will compete as teams.
The Midseason Championship will be the first in-person event since the pandemic started in 2019. This event is structured in the interest of player safety as we begin to transition from a totally online competitive environment back to in-person tournaments.
Precautions are being taken to ensure this:
- Invite only – the general public will not be allowed to attend the event to compete or to spectate.
- Participants are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
- Participants must test negative for COVID-19 at most 48 hours prior to travel.
- Participants will be tested for COVID-19 upon arriving at the venue daily.
- Participants are required to wear masks throughout the event.
In the past, an invitation to a Brawlhalla tournament meant something along the lines of “hope to see you there!” But now, it means a whole lot more:
- Blue Mammoth Games will provide flights to and from the event for every participant of the invitational.
- If a competitor is under 18 years of age, a legal guardian will be accommodated in addition to the competitor and must accompany them at the event.
- Hotel rooms will be provided for participants.
- Participants can enjoy free food catering throughout the tournaments.
Here’s how participants get invited and flown out to the Midseason Championship:
- Competitors will be invited based on their 1v1 Power Rankings following the 2022 Spring Championship.
- Each region has a different number of invite slots.
- North America – 13
- Europe – 13
- South America – 4
- Australia – 1
- Southeast Asia – 1
To ensure that at least the top five teams in North America and Europe are in attendance for the 2v2 tournament, a small number of additional players may be invited who did not qualify through 1v1 power rankings. These players will not participate in the 1v1 tournament.
“I am so excited for the first in-person event since 2019. There’s so many people I am looking forward to seeing again or meeting for the first time. Though our competitive scene managed to thrive online-only during these recent difficult times, I think we all will appreciate the magic that comes from in-person competition. Not only because we can finally see international competition on a level playing field, but because of the camaraderie we experience as a result. Everyone involved has so much passion for the same thing and it becomes so apparent at events like this. It’s going to be great. Let’s gooooo!!”
David “Foda” Kisich, Director of Esports for Brawlhalla.
Find out when the next tournament will be streamed by visiting brawlhalla.com/schedule and make sure to catch all the action live at twitch.tv/brawlhalla.
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