Ranked Season 11 – Coming December 12 – FAQ
Ranked Season 11 – FAQ
- What is happening?
- It’s the start of Ranked Season 11! That means players get new Avatars, Glory and Borders as rewards for their accomplishments in ranked during Season 10! Glory can be used in the Ranked section of Mallhalla to get special Colors and Weapon Skins to show your dedication to your favorite Legends. We hope you enjoy your rewards and enjoy the New Season!
- (Note: PC and PS4 are moving into Season 11. Xbox One and Nintendo Switch are already in Season 11.)
- What does a ranked reset mean?
- A ranked reset functions to mark the start of a new ranked season and compress the distance between the highest Elo players and lowest Elo players to foster more competition and new mountains to climb.
- Why is my Elo the same as before the reset?
- If your 1v1 Elo or your personal 2v2 Elo (the Elo that doesn’t change dependant on teammate) is below 1400 at the end of Season 10, then we don’t reset your Elo.
- If you’re on Xbox One or Nintendo Switch, you’re already in ranked Season 11. PC and PS4 are receiving the ranked reset as a way to catch up to Xbox One and Nintendo Switch in Season 11.
- How do I calculate what my new Elo will be at the start of Season 11?
- The equation to estimate Elo changes above 1400 is:
- New Elo = 1400 + (Old Elo – 1400) / (3 – (3000 – Old Elo) / 800)
- You can also use http://www.brawlhalla.com/glory-calculator/ for a convenient estimate.
- How do I calculate what my new Team Elo or Legend Rating will be at the start of Season 11?
- Under 2000 Elo at the end of Season 10: New Elo = (Old Elo + 375) / 1.5
- Over 2000 at the end of Season 10: we aggressively brought you back down as a way of resetting the top tiers. Diamond level teams and Legend Ratings will be reset to high gold or low platinum.
- You can also use http://www.brawlhalla.com/glory-calculator/ for a convenient estimate.
- Is there more that comes with the new season?
- Season Glory gets allocated at the start of the new season! Glory can be used to buy exclusive ranked items like Skyforged or Goldforged Colors and Weapons. Glory can only be obtained by participating in ranked 1v1 or 2v2.
- Players also earn Ranked Borders and Avatars based on their Highest Peak Rating. Borders will last one season and will be updated again after the new season comes to a close.
- What are the minimum requirements for Glory?
- The only requirement is a minimum of 10 games played in the season.
- What are the minimum requirements for Ranked Borders and Avatars?
- The only requirement is a minimum of 10 games played in the season.
- What are Tiered Ranked Avatars?
- For players who have reached a certain rank or higher multiple seasons, they earn progressively higher tiered Avatars that will stay in their inventory permanently!
- What are the possible Avatars I can earn?
- Competitor’s Badge: Awarded to anyone who plays 10 Ranked Games or more in the season.
- Gold Emblem: Awarded to players who reached Gold or above.
- Platinum Emblem: Awarded to players who reached Platinum or above.
- Diamond Emblem: Awarded to players who reached Diamond.
- Upgraded versions of Ranked Avatars are awarded to those who have earned the same Avatar in any previous seasons.
- How do I calculate how much Glory I’ll gain at the start of the new season?
- Glory earned is based on a combination of your Highest Peak Rating (highest 1v1, 2v2, team, or Legend rating/Elo) and total Wins. This was designed in order to reward both skill and dedication for those who pursue Glory.
- You gain 20 Glory per win up to 150 wins, which gets you 3000 Glory. After 150 wins, each subsequent win gives you slightly less.
- You can also use: http://www.brawlhalla.com/glory-calculator/ for a convenient estimate.
- My Xbox One ranked Elo didn’t change.
- If you’re on Xbox One or Nintendo Switch, you’re already in ranked Season 11. PC and PS4 are receiving the ranked reset as a way to catch up to Xbox One and Nintendo Switch in Season 11.
- My Nintendo Switch ranked Elo didn’t change.
- If you’re on Xbox One or Nintendo Switch, you’re already in ranked season 11. PC and PS4 are receiving the ranked reset as a way to catch up to Xbox One and Nintendo Switch in Season 11.