Prepare for 2023 Esports With Battle Boots in the Community Tournament Weekend on January 14th
The next Brawlhalla Community Tournament Weekend begins on January 14th!
This weekend features Moose Wars, Estação, and Brawl League hosting 1v1 and 2v2 events for North America, South America, and Europe respectively. Each region will have a $4,000 total prize pool split between both events.
Tezca will be legal for this event and will be legal for the beginning of Official Brawlhalla 2023 Esports.
A balance preview of the balance patch that will launch before the start of the Official Brawlhalla 2023 Esports Season will be available in early January.
Sign up to compete by visiting the following start.gg pages:
- Moose Wars (NA) – start.gg/MooseMania
- Brawl League (EU) – start.gg/BLF23
- Estação 1v1 (SA) – start.gg/sabrawldo67
- Estação 2v2 (SA) – start.gg/brawltalha39
They can all be found with the rest of the officially sanctioned community tournaments at start.gg/bhcommunity.
Make sure to follow each community tournament on Twitch so that you don’t miss out on any of the action on January 14th and 15th:
- Moose Wars (NA) – twitch.tv/ajmorr2000
- Brawl League (EU) – twitch.tv/brawlleaguetv
- Estação (SA) – twitch.tv/estacaobh
Tune in live for a chance to win a code of each Community Tournament’s Avatar that is redeemable in-game. The Avatars will be given away during the livestream of the competition.
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!