Void Zenith Artemis Rises as Brawlhalla Fest Continues! – Patch 8.10
As it was foretold … Void Zenith Artemis rises from the edge of the universe, ready to battle one Mysterious Stranger in Valhalla! 🌌
In the past, we’ve hosted Timed Mission Events for two weeks. For Brawlhalla Fest, we decided more IS better! Enjoy one more week of Brawling to unlock the Bifrost Color Scheme. May Odin guide you in your quest to unlock it for all present & future Legends. Earn 10,000 XP along your journey, and you’ll also unlock the Void Zenith 1 More Emoji Skin! 🥳
The Brawlhalla Fest lineup is packed with even more featured acts — like Double XP & Double Gold weekends and sales on the All Legends Pack and Collectors Pack. 🥊
The summer fun continues even after the Festival’s closing sets when Heatwave makes a big splash starting June 26th! Brand new summery skins will join the beachside roster of our returning seasonal favorites. ☀️
Beyond Glory there is immortality… or at least there are Ranked Reward Avatars that will last a lifetime! July 3rd marks the beginning of Ranked Season 33. A couple weeks later, on the 17th, Valhallan ranks will open up!
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitch, TikTok, Discord, YouTube, Reddit, X, Instagram, and Facebook!
You’ve never heard an Answer like this! Rising from the edge of the universe, Void Zenith Artemis harnesses a supermassive amount of power that will surely allow her to defeat The Mysterious Stranger once and for all. 🌌
An all new Epic Skin for Artemis, featuring:
- Custom Signature FX
- Animated Weapon Skins
- Custom lock-in animation
- Announcer VO
- Roster icon
- Available now in Mallhalla!
For the next two weekends, good things come in twos! Earn twice the amount of XP and Gold by playing Brawlhalla all weekend long!
And yes, the double XP earned does count toward the Void Zenith 1 More Emoji mission! 🎉
Double XP and Gold Weekends:
- Friday, June 14, 2024 @ 10 am ET/2 pm UTC – Monday, June 17, 2024 @ 9 am ET/1 pm UTC
- Friday, June 21, 2024 @ 5 am ET/9 am UTC – Monday, June 24, 2024 @ 9 am ET/1pm UTC
June 12: Street Brawl Relay
Choose 3 fighters and brawl in this 1v1, 8-minute match. New fighters tag in when your health bar is depleted. First to 3 KO’s wins!
- Street Brawl Mode
- 1v1
- 8 Minutes
- First to 3 KOs wins!
June 13: 3v3 Skirmish!
Queue solo or as a team for some 3v3 brawlin’ action!
- Team 3v3 with stocks!
- Each player has 3 stocks!
- Queue alone or with friends!
- Last team standing wins!
June 14: Crew Battles
Get ready for the ultimate Crew Battle game mode! Get the team together and unleash your inner power for a totally epic 2v2 match at 200% damage. When you lose a stock, the next team member in your crew spawns in, ready to fight. Be the first team to come out on top!
- Crew Battle Game Mode
- 2v2
- 200% Damage
- When a player loses a stock, the next team member in your crew spawns in!
- Last team standing wins!
June 15: Brawlball Bash!
Get the team together for this 3v3 game! Don’t have a team? Fear not, we’ll find one for you! Hit the Coliseum, snag the ball, juke or pass past your opponents, and hold it in their goal to score! No team damage, and you can go through walls the same color as you. First team to 3 scores wins!
- 3v3 Brawlball
- 5 minutes
- Queue up solo or with a team!
June 16: Betrayal!
Three is the magic number for Betrayal! Queue up against 2 other Players in a 3 minute FFA game. Score 2 points for KOing an enemy, lose 1 point for being KO’d. Can you survive the ever shifting alliances and score the most points at the end to win?
- 3 Player FFA!
- Most points at the end wins!
June 17: Kung Foot
High five your partner and get ready to compete Rayman style! In Kung Foot anything goes as you kick, bash, and slash the ball through the opposing team’s goal in this epic 2v2 Brawlhalla sport. First team to score 5 goals wins!
- 2v2
- 5 goals
- 100% Damage
- 5 Minute Timer
June 18: Volleybrawl Triples
Hit the sands! Team up for an epic 3v3 game of Volleybrawl. Hit the ball to change it to your team’s color. If it touches the opposing team’s floor while it’s your color, it’ll do damage. Deplete their HP to score a point. Be careful: if the ball is still for too long or is hit four times without changing sides it’ll reset. First to three points wins!
- 3v3
- Volleybrawl
- First team to score 3 points wins!
If you haven’t snagged the All Legends Pack or Collectors Pack, check out the sales in the following participating platform storefronts!
All Legends Pack
The All Legends Pack immediately unlocks all current Legends and every Legend we add in the future. Everything in the “Legends” tab in the in-game store is yours to have. Forever.
*Note that this doesn’t unlock Crossovers.
Collectors Pack
The Brawlhalla Collectors Pack includes:
- 3500 Mammoth Coins
- All Legends Pack
- Asgardian Elite Weapon Skin set for each current and future Weapon Types.
- Champion of the Brawl Bödvar Skin
- Flames of Ragnarok KO Effect
- Collector’s Insignia UI Theme
- Collector’s Signet Avatar
PC/Mac Only:
- Cogsworth Sidekick
- Founder’s Insignia UI Theme (Exclusive PC/Mac Color)
- Founder’s Signet Avatar (Exclusive PC/Mac Color)
PlayStation Only:
- Personal Sentry IV
- Founder’s Insignia UI Theme (Exclusive PlayStation Color)
- Founder’s Signet Avatar (Exclusive PlayStation Color)
Xbox Only:
- Firehawk Sidekick
Win matchmade games to earn this exclusive iridescent Color Scheme for the Legend you played as. Win with all 62 Legends to unlock the Color Scheme for all future Legends! The only way to earn the Bifrost Color Scheme is to participate in this Timed Event Mission.
This Timed Event Mission ends on Monday, June 19th at 4:59 am ET/8:59 am UTC.
Earn 10,000 XP by playing matchmade games in Brawlhalla to earn this Emoji Skin inspired by the Void Zenith Artemis Epic Skin. The only way to earn the Void Zenith 1 More Emoji Skin is to participate in the Timed Event Mission.
This Timed Event Mission ends on Monday, June 19th at 5 am ET/9 am UTC.
Ezio Starter Pack
The reward for a life well lived is an eternity in Valhalla!
Whether you’re a novice or a master assassin, claim the all-new Ezio Starter Pack to immediately unlock:
- Revelations Ezio Skin
- Ezio Legend
- 140 Mammoth Coins
Available now on the following digital storefronts.
Mallhalla UI Update For All Platforms
As part of the ongoing process of updating our UI, we launched a revamped Mallhalla on PC & Mac that matched the Mobile UI. The new design supports a search function, tab filters, and the ability to sort Items by release order, coin price, or alphabetically.
With Patch 8.10, this updated UI is now available on all platforms!
Skins can be filtered by the Legends you own, if they are Epic, and if they are on Sale. Crossovers can also be filtered by if they are Epic or Mythic. Skins & Colors can be filtered by “Limited Time” when a seasonal Event is active, and all of these have an option to hide owned Items.
Several issues with the initial PC/Mac launch have also been resolved. For the full list of changes, please see the “Mallhalla” subheading of the “Bug Fixes” section below.
We’re still constantly working to ensure that this newest iteration is the best it can be, so let us know your thoughts in the official Brawlhalla Discord in the #mallhalla-feedback channel.
The summer fun continues even after the Festival’s closing sets when Heatwave makes a big splash starting June 26th! Brand new Skins for Loki & Mako, “Ocean Messenger” Sidekick, 3 new Seasonal Emojis, and annual Heatwave Podium will join the beachside roster of 15 seasonal Skins, the Heatwave Colors, and the rest of our returning seasonal favorites. ☀️
Ranked Season 33
Beyond Glory there is immortality… or at least there are Ranked Reward Avatars that will last a lifetime! July 3rd marks the beginning of Ranked Season 33. A couple weeks later, on the 17th, Valhallan ranks will open up!
- Queues with a low number of Maps will now have a better chance of respecting banned Maps (if it’s still possible to have a situation where all Maps are banned by one player or another, bans will be ignored in that case).
- Equipping a Title in the Inventory screen now makes the same sound as equipping other items in the Inventory.
- You can no longer ban two Maps in queues that only have two Maps total.
- Fixed a bug where Map & Gadget bans and opting into Competitive levels were not respected in the very first game ever played in a queue.
- Fixed all misspellings of “Ehzot” in all “Fall of the Lions” Battle Pass episodes.
- Fixed a bug where the gold Legend name wasn’t displaying on the Legend Elo and KO nameplate screens.
- Fixed a bug where the Legend name remained on screen even when looking at the Lore or Stats page on the “Meet the Legends” page.
- Fixed a bug where the filter dropdown menu wouldn’t close when you’d move your cursor/select tool away from the “Filter” tab.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong footer for the corresponding Store tabs would display.
- Fixed a bug where Chest items were not viewable with a controller or keyboard.
- Fixed a bug where Chests weren’t purchasable with a keyboard or controller.
- Fixed a bug where the selection highlighter would disappear after opening the Chests tab.
- Fixed a bug where pressing “A” while on the purchases tab with cross progression enabled would cause a fatal error that caused the game to crash.
The free-to-play Legend rotation for this week features: Nix, Hattori, Jaeyun, Yumiko, Lord Vraxx, Lin Fei, Tezca, Fait, and Ulgrim.
- Nix – Led by a thousand year hunt, this reaper, armed with both Blasters and Scythe, has found herself a new bounty in Valhalla.
- Hattori – A gifted ninja with unparalleled skill with the Sword and Spear has discovered Valhalla. Will she find any worthy challengers there?
- Jaeyun – The legendary mercenary who has traveled across the Old Kingdom on the back of his dragon turtle companion Imugi, Jaeyun has discovered new riches and sights in Valhalla! He brings the Greatsword and Sword to battle in the Grand Tournament.
- Yumiko – Holding the appearance of a blind seamstress, this centuries old fox spirit has been brought into battle wielding her Magical Hammer and Bow!
- Lord Vraxx – This feared warlord dominates his opponents with Rocket Lance and Blasters. Now join the Zhaktari in kneeling before him or your planet will be destroyed!
- Lin Fei – A defender of the innocent and teacher of the lost ways. She is a great teacher who has developed her own fighting style, the ‘Way of the Iron Dragon,’ which utilizes her Cannon, Katars and an ancestral dragon-spirit.
- Tezca – The greatest luchador in the world who also became an ancient god. Tezca makes his own rules in the ring with his Gauntlets & Battle Boots!
- Fait – Speaking to the stars and using glimpses of the future, Fait battles for good with her Scythe and Orb!
- Ulgrim – Equipped with flawless Ivaldi creations, his Axe and Rocket Lance, the legendary blacksmith forges his way into battle!