Party like it’s 2015!
Ain’t no party like a Brawlhalla party ‘cause a Brawlhalla party doesn’t stop! (until the next event.) The Brawlhalla Five Year Anniversary celebration is in full swing! This first-of-its-kind event is complete with exclusive items, new in-game features, and a more frequent rotation of Brawl of the Week.
Along with the Event, we introduced Titles, new visual effect Test Features, and more as part of a continuing effort to improve the art and competitive clarity of Brawlhalla. Tell us about your experience with all these and more over on Twitter and Discord.
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!
Bring out the party hat and cake – it’s time to celebrate Brawlhalla’s Five Year Anniversary! This all-new event features exclusive cosmetic items like a new Skin for Bödvar, Themed Colors, and much more! Players will earn a free “Reveler” Title for logging in any time during the Event!
See the list below for all the exclusive treats:
Ritzy Bödvar
- “I can bear-ly contain my excitement.”
- Adorned with his Hammer Decorum and Gilded Glory, Bödvar is ready to celebrate in his new attire!
Gala Colors
- Dress to impress with these white, black, and gold colors.
- Available for every Legend!
5th Cake-aversary
- “Cassidy baked this in her spare time.”
- Party with your opponents with some cake!
Gilded Deco
- “I can see my reflection!”
- Featuring animations and sound effects, dazzle your opponents on this lavish Podium.
The Anniversary event also includes:
- A free “Reveler” Title for logging in any time during the Event!
- More frequent Brawl of the Week rotations featuring popular game modes. Check back every other day to see what we highlight.
- New main menu, character select, and victory theme music.
- Daily login bonus of 250 Gold to celebrate this event.
- A new Anniversary UI Takeover! Follow the top hats in Mallhalla to find all the goodies.
We’ve introduced an exciting new feature – Titles!
Titles are rewards that players can earn by making unique achievements, like becoming a BCX ‘20 LCQ finalist, or reaching certain milestones like the anniversary of the creation of a player’s Brawlhalla account.
- Titles can be seen above a player’s name within the in-game lobby.
- Players will earn a free “Reveler” Title for logging in any time during the Event.
- With this update, players will receive an upgrading Title each year on their Brawlhalla account’s anniversary.
- And we’ll be continuing to slowly add more! If you have any Title suggestions, let us know via Twitter and Discord.
Last week, we introduced new visual effect Test Features! We are testing new effects for Smoke Trails, last aerial Jump cloud, out of Recovery options, Dodge, Wall Touch cloud, and Gravity Cancel. These options are available to try out in the Experimental queue and in Custom Lobbies with Test Features enabled.
- New Smoke Trails that are relative to the Legend’s velocity. This Test Feature effect does not cover up Weapon Throws.
- Updated Jump cloud effects for the player’s last air Jump.
- Brand new effect for when a player is completely out of recovering options.
- Visual updates to Dodge, Wall Touch cloud, and Gravity Cancel effects.
- These visual effect Test Features are a continuing effort to improve the art and competitive clarity of Brawlhalla!
Please tell us your experience with these Test Features on Twitter and Discord, and check out brawlhalla.com/test-features for more information.
The Gold costs for several Legends have been reduced to be more accessible for players. These reductions are based primarily on their Legend and Weapon release dates.
- Bödvar, Brynn, and Ember are now 900 Gold.
- Lord Vraxx, Gnash, Lucien, Hattori, Sentinel, and Sir Roland are now 2300 Gold.
- Scarlet, Asuri, Barraza, Kor, Mirage, and Sidra are now 3900 Gold.
- These Legends are purchasable in Mallhalla!
Season 2 features 85 tiers of new exclusive rewards unlockable by playing Brawlhalla and completing missions. This season is only available for a limited time, so play now!
- A new feature that allows players to select which level of the Progression Skin and Podium to equip.
- Daily, Weekly, and General missions throughout the season.
- New Synthwave Kung Foot Map.
- New Free-for-All map called Sun Drive City.
Grab your favorite Legend and start brawling! For more information, check out brawlhalla.com/battlepass.
For a limited time, we are continuing to feature the Solidarity Emote for charity. All proceeds from this Emote will be donated to Campaign Zero. To find out more information about this non-profit organization, check out www.joincampaignzero.org.
- Follow the fancy top hats to locate all the Anniversary items!
- Reduced Gold cost for multiple Legends.
- New Doodle Avatars for Thor, Petra, Vector, Volkov, Onyx, Jaeyun, and Mako.
- Looking for a certain chest? We’re rapidly rotating through chests, so check out the in-game timer to know when the next chest will rotate.
- Find the new Sales items!
- Items inspired by AMC’s The Walking Dead, and all other Epic Crossovers are available in the “Crossovers” section of Mallhalla
Get the team together for this 3v3 game! Don’t have a team? Fear not, we’ll find one for you! Hit the Coliseum, snag the ball, juke or pass past your opponents, and hold it in their goal to score! No team damage, and you can go through walls the same color as you. First team to 3 scores wins!
- 3v3 Brawlball
- 5 minutes
- Queue up solo or with a team!
During the Anniversary event, the Brawl of the Week will rotate more frequently to feature the various game modes in Brawlhalla! Check back every other day to see what’s being highlighted.
The new free-to-play Legend rotation for this week includes: Koji, Sidra, Lucien, Nix, Artemis, Orion, Zariel, Teros, and Queen Nai
- Koji – Armed with his ancestral katana, Koji slices his way through the battlefield with Sword and Bow!
- Sidra – The Corsair Queen, known for her legendary and fearless raids, is prepared to fight with her Sword and Cannon!
- Lucien – This mysterious highwayman is always scheming for gold, and now has come to Valhalla to take part in the tournament wielding Katars and Blasters!
- Nix – Led by a thousand year hunt, this reaper, armed with both Blasters and Scythe, has found herself a new bounty in Valhalla.
- Artemis – Transversing the universe in search of her rival Orion, Artemis has ripped open a wormhole into Valhalla, armed with a Rocket Lance and Scythe; she is ready to fight!
- Orion – A revered warrior and champion, the mysterious armored knight uses Rocket Lance and Spear to battle his foes in the halls of Valhalla!
- Zariel – The Celestial, a warrior deity of Holy Justice, who abides in blessed Elysium. Zariel uses Gauntlets and Bow to take down both Demon hordes and any warrior participating in the Grand Tournament.
- Teros – This Minotaur is indifferent to the rules or intent of the Tournament, and instead, takes savage joy in all the battles while crushing his opponents with Axe and Grappling Hammer.
- Queen Nai – With each victory nourishing the gods of her people, Queen Nai has come wielding Katars, Spear, and her powerful sorcery.