New Legend Mako, the Shark – Patch 4.07
Our newest Legend, Mako, the ultimate apex predator from The Sea, has made her way to Brawlhalla! With her Greatsword and Katars, she aims to make fish meat out of her opponents in the Grand Tournament. Mako’s release also comes with three new Skins that can be found in Mallhalla.
Players can claim a free Vote Emote and Avatar by heading over to brawlhalla.com/vote! Our Synthwave Battle Pass Season 2 still grooves on with its third week of missions. For those in the pursuit for Glory, the new Ranked Season 18 will start on October 7th. Lastly, we’ve added a balance pass, made a few game improvements, and more.
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!
- Mako – “The Shark”
- Weapons: Greatsword, Katars
- Stats: 6 Strength, 4 Dexterity, 4 Defense, 8 Speed
- “Of all the children of Poseidon and The Sea, the largest is Kraken, the strongest is Maelstrom, but the most feared is Mako.”
Mako enters with 3 new Skins:
- Abyssal Goblin Mako – “Be afraid of what lurks in the deep.”
- 0RC4-M4k0 – “Have a killer day!”
- Hammerhead Mako – “Whether in water or on land, nothing is safe.”
We’re promoting and raising awareness about voting, how to register to vote, and how to make a voting plan for this year’s election. Players can claim a free Raise Your Vote Emote and Vote Avatar by following the details and instructions at brawlhalla.com/vote.
Brawlhalla’s second Battle Pass continues on! This second season features 85 tiers of new exclusive rewards unlockable by playing Brawlhalla and completing missions. The Battle Pass season will last 12 weeks.
This Battle Pass features:
- A new feature to allow players to select which level of the Progression Skin and Podium to equip!
- A new UI takeover featuring an animated splash art of Retro Reaper Nix.
- New main menu, character select, and post-game theme music matching the flair of the Synthwave era.
- A newly themed Synthwave Kung Foot!
- A new Free-for-All map called Sun Drive City.
- A separate Battle Pass tab for easy access when navigating the main menu.
New Missions for Battle Pass
This Synthwave Battle Pass comes with new missions!
- Check out the new missions for Week 3 of the Synthwave Battle Pass.
- Daily, Weekly, and General missions are available throughout the season.
- Unlocking the Gold track will grant more missions for more opportunities to earn Battle Gems and rewards.
Players can unlock over 100 rewards during the Battle Pass season, so grab your favorite Legend and start brawling. Players can also use Mammoth Coins to increase progress along the track while the season is active. For more information, check out brawlhalla.com/battlepass.
For a limited time, we are introducing the Solidarity Emote for Charity. All proceeds from this Emote will be donated to Campaign Zero. To find out more information about this non-profit organization, check out www.joincampaignzero.org.
Ghost Brawl is back! Quickly go invisible when you don’t use any powers in this tense game mode. If you stay invisible too long or use any power (including dodge), then you’ll be visible once more! (Pro Tip: dust clouds from jumps and dashes are still visible even when an opponent is not.)
- 1v1
- 3 Stocks
- 200% Damage
- 8 Minute Timer
Check out the new Legend, Mako!
- Releases with 3 new Skins: Abyssal Goblin Mako, 0Rc4-M4k0, and Hammerhead Mako
Solidarity Emote
- Limited time Emote for charity! All proceeds will go to Campaign Zero.
Looking for a certain chest? We’re rapidly rotating through chests, so check out the in-game timer to know when the next chest will rotate.
- Find the new Sales items!
This patch brings a number of changes that focus on granting appropriate risk to common options that have a high degree of reward and utility, while increasing the utility of base attacks and Signatures that fit more specialized roles. For several kits this results in more consistent windows for retaliation when an opponent rotates to a coverage attack at an inopportune time.
We have slightly increased the risk of the Axe’s farthest reaching attacks to better match their high potential reward. While the Side Light and Side Air still pose a powerful threat, errant use of these attacks are susceptible to greater punishment from attentive players. The Side Light also now provides a constant frame advantage to remove some overly strong meaty combos. The Axe Ground Pound has received a reduction in threat coverage during its charge, emphasizing proper aim and timing while also allowing vertical attacks to better contest this heavy strike.
- Axe Side Light: Increased Recover time on miss from 5 Fixed/14 Variable to 6 Fixed/14 Variable; Changed Stun from 31 to a range of 31~26.
- Axe Side Air: Increased Recover time on miss from 0 Fixed/26 Variable to 2 Fixed/26 Variable.
- Axe Ground Pound: Decreased threat coverage during the charge.
While the Blasters threat coverage and dead zones provide a good mix of risk and utility, its rate of building damage needed to be brought closer in line with other weapon kits. The Side Light now has slightly less stun to widen dodge windows after this long range poke. The Down Light now deals slightly less damage to rein in this weapon’s total damage from true combos.
- Blasters Side Light: Decreased Stun from 23 to 22.
- Blasters Down Light: Decreased Damage from 14 to 12.
The Cannon’s overall kit utility has reached a solid state, however a number of the continued attacks after a follow-up from a Side Light cover too many escape options. While Side Light operates best when it offers more consistent strings, those strings can too often cycle back into a Side Light. In order to widen these repeat connections, we have made minor adjustments to the Side Light and greater adjustments to the common follow-ups that would cycle back into a Side Light.
- Cannon Side Light: Slightly decreased maximum vertical threat coverage; Setup location is now slightly more vertical; Decreased Stun from a range of 30~25 to a range of 28~23; Increased Force from a range of 105~70 Fixed/0 Variable to 115~105 Fixed/0 Variable.
- Cannon Side Air: Angle of knockback is now slightly more vertical.
- Cannon Down Air: Decreased Stun from 20 to 17.
The Greatsword now has more Recover time on miss for all Bridge attacks, significantly delaying both the attack cancel and movement cancel windows of each Bridge Stance. Some of this power has been shifted into the Down Bridge in the form of greater Stun for slightly improved frame advantage to better match its increased risk. The Neutral Air and Down Air Openers now enter their Stances earlier on miss for quicker Stance follow-ups, as they previously carried too much risk on landing compared to other weapons. The Side Opener has received a minor adjustment for greater consistency in setup location during high speed interactions.
- Greatsword Side Opener: Changed Force from 90 Fixed/0 Variable to a range of 80~53 Fixed/0 Variable, fixing a case that could cause an improper setup location when striking with the later portion of the Hit Window; Slightly decreased maximum speed allowed during the Hit Window, fixing a case that could cause an improper setup location when pivoting from a chase dodge.
- Delayed the attack cancel window of Bridge Stances on miss by 5 frames.
- Delayed the jump/dash/dodge cancel window of Bridge Stances on miss from 6 to 11.
- Greatsword Down Bridge (from Neutral Opener or Side Opener): Increased Stun from 13 to 15.
- Greatsword Neutral Air: Removed delay before entering Stance when landing after the Hit Window.
- Greatsword Down Air: Decreased time before entering Stance when landing on miss from 10 to 9.
While the Hammer Neutral Light and Down Light make use of their relatively low threat coverage with quick Time to Hit, these attacks could be used too freely to steal back a turn in neutral. Now these attacks carry greater risk to match their utility with greater Recover time on miss. The Hammer Down Light has also received a reduction in damage to bring the total combo damage closer in line with other similar options while maintaining its rate of damage in the neutral game.
- Hammer Neutral Light: Increased Recover time on miss from 0 Fixed/13 Variable to 2 Fixed/13 Variable.
- Hammer Down Light: Increased Recover time on miss from 2 Fixed/20 Variable to 4 Fixed/20 Variable; Decreased Damage from 11 to 9.
The Katars Side Light and Side Air now receive a slightly greater momentum bonus to keep up with the current pace of other weapons and general movement. We have also slightly improved the Katars’ knockout reliability with increased Force on the Side Air, and slightly increased Stun on the Down Light for tighter follow-ups with the Recovery attack.
- Katar Side Light: Slightly increased momentum from movement such as dash.
- Katar Down Light: Increased Stun from a range of 20~16 to a range of 21~17.
- Katar Side Air: Increased Force from 57 Fixed/41 Variable to 57 Fixed/43 Variable; Updated hitboxing resulting in greater vertical coverage; Increased momentum bonus from movement such as dash.
Like other options that could be rotated too freely, the Orb Down air has received an increase in Recover time on miss to grant appropriate risk for its utility.
- Orb Down Air: Increased Recover time on miss from 0 Fixed/20 Variable to 2 Fixed/20 Variable for the aerial version; Increased Recover time on miss from 0 Fixed/18 Variable to 1 Fixed/18 Variable for the ground and wall versions.
Rocket Lance
The Rocket Lance Neutral Light now has greater Recover time on miss to widen windows of retaliation against the Rocket Lance’s ground kit. Similarly, the Rocket Lance Down Light has slightly less threat coverage at the beginning of the attack so opponents may better contest this retreating attack. The Rocket Lance Neutral Air has received updated hitboxing, resulting in less threat coverage and a greater deadzone near the user. The Neutral Air also has decreased drift on miss, presenting a more consistent target for retaliation. The Rocket Lance Down Air has slightly decreased Recover time on miss to better match its risk with its more niche use.
- Rocket Lance Neutral Light: Increased Recover time on miss from 2 Fixed/10 Variable to 5 Fixed/10 Variable.
- Rocket Lance Down Light: Decreased rear and vertical threat coverage during the initial Hit Window.
- Rocket Lance Neutral Air: Updated hitboxing to more closely follow the flame trail, resulting in decreased threat coverage near the user and at the rear of the flame trail, but slightly increased outward threat coverage; Decreased acceleration and maximum speed allowed during the Hit Window and Recover time on miss.
- Rocket Lance Down Air: Decreased Recover time on miss for both the aerial and grounded versions from 3 Fixed/22 Variable to 2 Fixed/22 Variable.
For improved anti-air and string starting ability, we have slightly increased the threat coverage at the end of the Scythe Neutral Light.
- Scythe Neutral Light: Increased threat coverage at the end of the Hit Window.
The Spear Down Light’s final strike on hit now has less rear threat coverage, allowing team members to more reliably interrupt this attack and save their partner from this combo starter in Doubles play.
- Spear Down Light: Decreased rear threat coverage during the final strike on hit.
Unarmed Neutral Light has received a decrease in forward threat coverage so weapon kits can more reliably outrange this attack, both in the neutral game and when it is used to challenge strings. We have also reduced the damage dealt by the Side Light and Recovery to better match their utility.
- Unarmed Neutral Light: Decreased forward threat coverage.
- Unarmed Side Light: Decreased Damage from 15 to 13.
- Unarmed Recovery: Decreased Damage from 17 to 15.
Each blast of Ada’s Neutral Blasters now has a significantly longer Hit Window for improved reliability when using this high precision attack.
- Ada Neutral Blasters: Increase Hit Window of each shot from 1 to 5; Slightly decreased maximum threat coverage of each blast.
Given the high degree of movement in Barraza’s Neutral Axe, we have increased the Recover time on miss to provide more appropriate risk to this powerful reversal. We have also reduced the Force of Barraza’s Down Blasters as this Signature could consistently score knockouts too early.
- Barraza Neutral Axe: Increased Recover time on miss from 15 to 17.
- Barraza Down Blasters: Decreased Force from 65 Fixed/57 Variable to 60 Fixed/53 Variable.
Caspian’s Neutral Katars had proven to be an undervalued anti-air Signature so it has received increased damage and reductions in Minimum Charge time and Recover time to be closer in line with other similar options. We have also reduced the Minimum Charge time and Recover time of Caspian’s Down Katars for improved utility on the high precision attack.
- Caspian Neutral Katars: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 9 to 7; Increased Damage from 22 to 24; Decreased Recover time from 24 to 22.
- Caspian Down Katars: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 17 to 15; Decreased Recover time from 28 to 26.
We have increased the Recover time on miss for Fait’s Side Orb to better match its total threat coverage and bring its risk in line with its utility. Fait’s Down Orb has also received increased Minimum Charge time and Recover time on miss to grant more substantial windows for retaliation as this attack could previously be rotated through too quickly.
- Fait Side Orb: Increased total Recover time on miss from 18 to 23.
- Fait Down Orb: Increased Minimum Charge time from 5 to 9; Increased total Recover time on miss from 15 to 20.
Gnash’s Down Spear now travels faster during its retreat and slower during its leap, aiming the attack closer to Gnash’s starting location. This allows the user to more effectively use the retreat to bait and punish incoming attacks. We have also updated the hitboxing on Gnash’s Neutral Spear and Neutral Hammer, resulting in less threat coverage near the user for each of these attacks.
- Gnash Down Spear: Increased travel speed during the backwards roll; Decreased travel speed during the forward leap.
- Gnash Neutral Spear: Updated hitboxing resulting in less threat coverage at the bottom and near the user.
- Gnash Neutral Hammer: Updated hitboxing resulting in less threat coverage near the user.
Petra’s Neutral Gauntlets and Side Gauntlets now have greater Recover time to better match their high degree of movement and present a more reliable target for players who properly avoid these attacks.
- Petra Neutral Gauntlets: Increased total Recover time from 20 to 22.
- Petra Side Gauntlets: Increased total Recover time on miss from 20 to 22.
Orion’s Side Spear now has significantly less threat coverage during its travel, allowing other attacks to better contest this forward rushing Signature. It has also received a decrease in rear threat coverage during the final swing for more reliable dodges through this attack.
- Orion Side Spear: Decreased priority on the trigger hitbox during travel; Decreased rear threat coverage of the final swing.
We have revalued several Signatures that increase travel distance and threat coverage during their charge as they have often proved to underperform. Rayman’s Side Axe has been granted numerous improvements to its risk, utility, and reward to better match this new baseline.
- Rayman Side Axe: Increased travel speed; Decreased total Recover time on miss from 19 to 18; Increased Damage from 24 to 25; Increased Force from 60 Fixed/52 Variable to 60 Fixed/53 Variable.
Several of Scarlet’s Signatures have received increased risk to match their substantial rewards. Her Side Hammer, Neutral Rocket Lance and Down Rocket Lance all have greater avenues for retaliation on a more stable target when properly evading these attacks.
- Scarlet Side Hammer: Decreased threat coverage near the user and at the top of the arc; Increased Recover time from 15 to 17 for the aerial version; Decreased rear threat coverage for the aerial version.
- Scarlet Neutral Rocket Lance: Decreased aerial drift during Recover time.
- Scarlet Down Rocket Lance: Increased Recover time from 17 to 19.
Teros’ Down Hammer now has greater Minimum Charge time to open a dodge window when performed as a follow-up from a Hammer Down Light. While Teros’ Neutral Hammer maintains its ability to combo from a Hammer Down Light given its relatively low damage, this Signature has also received an increase to Minimum Charge time to make this combo a frame-perfect interaction. Some of this power has been shifted into Teros’ Side Hammer and Side Axe Signatures for decreased Time to Hit and Minimum Charge time.
- Teros Down Hammer: Increased Minimum Charge time from 8 to 10.
- Teros Neutral Hammer: Increased Minimum Charge time from 6 to 10.
- Teros Side Hammer: Updated hitboxing shifting the threat coverage upwards; Decreased Time to Hit after release from 10 to 7.
- Teros Neutral Axe: Updated hitboxing, resulting in decreased threat coverage near the user and at the rear of the aerial swing.
- Teros Side Axe: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 9 to 7.
The Minimum Charge time for Thatch’s Side Sword has been decreased to better match its high Recover time and increase its reliability.
- Thatch Side Sword: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 14 to 12.
Given the high degree of mobility on Thor’s Neutral Orb, we have increased the Minimum Charge time and Recover time to grant players a more appropriate window to react to its lightning-fast travel speed. Similarly, we have increased the Minimum Charge time of Thor’s Side Hammer, along with a decrease in Force to compensate for the distance it can carry targets before launching them.
- Thor Neutral Orb: Increased Minimum Charge time from 3 to 5; Increased Recover time from 27 to 29.
- Thor Side Hammer: Increased Minimum Charge time from 10 to 12; Decreased Force from 65 Fixed/48 Variable to 65 Fixed/46 Variable.
We have shifted some power within Ulgrim’s kit, primarily focusing on his Neutral Signatures. Both the Neutral Rocket Lance and Neutral Axe Signatures have decreased coverage at the bottom and no longer hit grounded. Some of this power has found its way into a quicker Minimum Charge time for the Neutral Rocket Lance, while also reducing the Recover time and risk of Ulgrim’s Down Rocket Lance.
- Ulgrim Neutral Rocket Lance: Decreased threat coverage near the user and at the bottom of the swing; Decreased Minimum Charge time from 12 to 11.
- Ulgrim Neutral Axe: Decreased threat coverage near the user and at the bottom of the swing.
- Ulgrim Down Rocket Lance: Updated hurtboxing resulting in increased forward priority; Decreased total Recover time on miss from 28 to 26; Softened fall speed during Recover time on miss.
Like Rayman’s Side Axe, Xull’s forward charging Signatures have also received improvements from the revalued baseline. While both Xull’s Side Axe and Side Cannon now have less Recover time on miss, the Side Axe has also received increased travel speed during its charge.
- Xull Side Axe: Increased travel speed; Decreased total Recover time on miss from 29 to 26.
- Xull Side Cannon: Decreased total Recover time on miss from 21 to 19.
Advanced AI Bots
- Slightly improved determination for whether an attack can be evaded by jumping or needs to be dodged.
- Extended Rocket Lance’s idle animation duration so that animated Weapon Skins loop properly.
User Experience
- Fixed a bug with throw calculations for the Advanced AI Bots.
- Katar Down Air: Fixed a case where the target could be dropped before the final hit.
- Fixed some Katar base kit & platforming animation issues where sometimes a Legend’s tail would be facing the wrong direction.
- Fixed an issue where animated Blaster Weapon Skins wouldn’t animate during the fast fall animation.
- Fixed an issue with the Katar’s idle animation where sometimes the shoulders would disconnect from the arms.
- Fixed a visual issue where the Greatsword handle on the first animation frame of Greatsword Down Light Opener was out of place.
The new free-to-play Legend rotation for this week includes: Koji, Orion, Xull, Caspian, Ulgrim, Lin Fei, Ada, Fait, and Nix.
- Koji – Armed with his ancestral katana, Koji slices his way through the battlefield with Sword and Bow!
- Orion – A revered warrior and champion, the mysterious armored knight uses Rocket Lance and Spear to battle his foes in the halls of Valhalla!
- Xull – With legendary physical strength, this Axe and Cannon wielding Orc Warlord is ready to challenge everyone and everything in Valhalla!
- Caspian – Led by his showmanship and thirst for danger, he has come to Valhalla armed with Katars and Gauntlets to put on a show!
- Ulgrim – Equipped with flawless Ivaldi creations, his Axe and Rocket Lance, the legendary blacksmith forges his way into battle!
- Lin Fei – A defender of the innocent and teacher of the lost ways. She is a great teacher who has developed her own fighting style, the ‘Way of the Iron Dragon,’ which utilizes her Cannon, Katars and an ancestral dragon-spirit.
- Ada – Armed with Blasters and Spear, this nano-tech, elite combat hacker aims to win in the Grand Tournament.
- Fait – Speaking to the stars and using glimpses of the future, Fait battles for good with her Scythe and Orb!
- Nix – Led by a thousand year hunt, this reaper, armed with both Blasters and Scythe, has found herself a new bounty in Valhalla.