Jötunn Winter Battle Pass Season 3 – Patch 5.04
A Jötunn Winter storm has swept into Brawlhalla as the newest Battle Pass season! Aurora Brynn rises as her mightiest Valkyrie form with her cosmic steed, Midnight, to battle at the World’s End Arena. This third season of Brawlhalla’s Battle Pass features 85 tiers of brand new exclusive content unlockable by playing Brawlhalla and completing missions.
All players are automatically granted access to the Battle Pass track and Weekly Missions with an option to purchase the Gold track for more content. More details about the Battle Pass can be found below or at brawlhalla.com/battlepass.
We also have a new Jötunn Winter Brawlball Map that will be featured as the Brawl of the Week! Magyar’s price has also been reduced to 5400 Gold in Mallhalla.
In addition, we’ve made updates to the DropZoneDuel Test Map, made a few game improvements and bug fixes, and much more. Catch the kick off of Brawlhalla’s Esports season with the Winter Championship 2021 this weekend!
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!
A Jötunn Winter storm has arrived in Brawlhalla! This third Battle Pass season features 85 tiers of new exclusive rewards unlockable by playing Brawlhalla and completing missions. All players now have access to the Weekly Missions to unlock more items! The Battle Pass season will last 12 weeks.
This Battle Pass will also feature:
- A free track extending through all 12 weeks of the Battle Pass.
- All players having access to all the Weekly Missions!
- An increase in the initial BP XP booster when purchasing the Gold track.
- A new exclusive Battle Pass Title Reward!
- A new UI takeover featuring an animated splash art of Aurora Brynn.
- New main menu, character select, and post-game theme music matching the beat of the Nordic roar.
- A newly themed Jötunn Winter Brawlball with a new Map called World’s End Arena featured as the Brawl of the Week!
More New Exclusive Battle Pass Items
There are more new rewards than ever in this Battle Pass, including an exclusive Title and even a special Avatar for players who complete all 85 tiers.
All players are automatically granted access to a Battle Pass track to unlock a new Title reward, more unique Colors, Avatars, Emotes, an animated Sidekick, and a Weapon Skin.
- Players can also unlock the Gold track to immediately unlock some exclusive items, like the newest Progression Skin and Podium.
- Unlocking the Gold track also grants boosters, including an increase to the initial BP XP booster, to help level up through the Battle Pass faster for more rewards.
- More items than ever before available to unlock!
Brand New Missions for Battle Pass
This Jötunn Winter Battle Pass comes with new missions to achieve!
- All players are granted access to all the Weekly Missions!
- Daily, Weekly, and General missions are available throughout the season.
- Earn Battle Gems by completing missions to earn rewards!
- Battle Gems measure a player’s progress toward the next reward tier.
- Unlocking the Gold track will grant boosters for more opportunities to earn Battle Gems and rewards.
Earn Battle Gems to Level Up
If you’re new to Brawlhalla’s Battle Pass seasons, each week new missions unlock new opportunities to earn more Battle Gems while still allowing previous missions to be completed.
- Battle Gems are earned by completing missions in matchmaking games except for Brawl of the Week.
- Players can get even more Battle Gems just by playing Brawlhalla. Any matchmaking game rewards Battle Pass XP that advances the “Earn Battle Pass XP” mission.
- Completing the mission gives players Gems and a new more challenging “Earn Battle Pass XP” mission.
Players can unlock over 100 new rewards during the Jötunn Winter Battle Pass season, so grab your favorite Legend and start brawling. Players can also use Mammoth Coins to increase progress along the track while the season is active. For more information, check out brawlhalla.com/battlepass.
Get ready for some 3v3 Brawlball! Grab a Jötunn, Asgardian, or a Legend for an epic battle at the world’s end. Hit the Arena, snag the ball, juke or pass past your opponents, and hold it in their goal to score! No team damage, and you can go through walls the same color as you. First team to 5 scores wins!
- 3v3 Brawlball
- Pass through team walls or floors of the same color.
- Queue up solo or with a team.
- First team to 5 scores wins!
Year Six of Brawlhalla Esports kicks off with the Winter Championship 2021! This weekend our European region will be battling in Singles and Doubles.
Tune in to watch the action live on twitch.tv/brawlhalla!
- Saturday, February 27, 2021 – European Doubles
- Sunday, February 28, 2021 – European Singles
- For times in your local time zone, see brawlhalla.com/schedule.
By tuning in to the Brawlhalla Twitch stream, players can earn exclusive Esports Viewership Rewards. Viewership Rewards for the Winter Championship include:
- Exclusive Sol Smasher Hammer – A unique Weapon Set for this year’s esports tournaments, be one of the first to earn this Hammer!
- New Winter Watcher Title – Express your dedication by watching and earning this brand new Title just for the Winter Championship.
- Winter Shard 2021 Avatar – Collect this year’s design of this exclusive and icy Avatar.
- Esports Colors – Show off your love of our Twitch streams with this rare black, silver, blue, and gold color scheme, applicable for all legends!
To learn more about Brawlhalla Esports Year Six, visit brawlhalla.com/esports.
- Magyar’s price has been reduced to 5400 Gold!
- The Solidarity Emote benefiting Campaign Zero is still available. To find out more information about this non-profit organization, check out www.joincampaignzero.org.
- Looking for a certain chest? We’re rapidly rotating through chests, so check out the in-game timer to know when the next chest will rotate.
- Find the new Sales items!
DropZoneDuel has had the width of the solid platform slightly reduced to improve gameplay for 1v1 matches on this map. We’ve also made adjustments to the killzones and item spawns to match this change.
Test Features are available to try out in the Experimental queue and in Custom Lobbies with Test Features enabled.
Please let us know your experience with these Test Features on Twitter and Discord! Check out brawlhalla.com/test-features for more information.
User Experience
- Updated standard Titles color to be more distinct from clan tags and names.
- We have slightly adjusted how grabs deal with corners when team walls are involved to better avoid having a grabbed player trapped inside of a team wall.
- We’ve updated the Brawlball asset. The new Brawlball Map also features a scoreboard.
- Fixed an incorrect view on the Katars in the Battle Pass 1 and 2 Weapon Sets by removing an extra strap asset.
- Fixed a visual bug where the bow strings on the Bow would not appear on console.
- Fixed a visual bug where the back view of Red Rose Kaya’s head would not color swap correctly.
The free-to-play Legend rotation for this week includes: Mordex, Jhala, Diana, Hattori, Sentinel, Lord Vraxx, Artemis, Wu Shang, and Lin Fei.
- Mordex – Wielding Gauntlets and Scythe, this lycanthrope steps into battle!
- Jhala – Given the title “Exalted Lion” by Apollo himself, Jhala “The Unbroken” takes the glamor of Valhalla in stride while having fun slaying her foes with Axe and Sword.
- Diana – Commander of the Order’s hunters, she uses her Bow and Blasters to slay countless beasts and monsters.
- Hattori – A gifted ninja with unparalleled skill with the Sword and Spear has discovered Valhalla. Will she find any worthy challengers there?
- Sentinel – The first and greatest costumed superhero in America has come to Asgard, finding those who need protecting and vanquishing injustice with his Katars and Hammer.
- Lord Vraxx – This feared warlord dominates his opponents with Rocket Lance and Blasters!
- Artemis – Transversing the universe in search of her rival Orion, Artemis has ripped open a wormhole into Valhalla, armed with a Rocket Lance and Scythe; she is ready to fight!
- Wu Shang – Using the way of peace, discipline and martial arts, he takes down his foes with Spear and Gauntlets!
- Lin Fei – A defender of the innocent and teacher of the lost ways. She is a great teacher who has developed her own fighting style, the ‘Way of the Iron Dragon,’ which utilizes her Cannon, Katars and an ancestral dragon-spirit.