Happy Brawlhalloween 2020!
Ghouls, Goblins, and everyone in between, spooky season is upon us which means it’s time for the return of Brawlhalloween! We’re delighted to participate in these frightening festivities with 2 all new Skins for Mirage and Thatch and the Graveyard Shift 2020 Podium. Ghost Brawl even returns to the land of the living as Brawl of the Week!
There are so many exclusive items available for both Brawlhalloween and the Epic Crossover with AMC’s The Walking Dead, just follow the enticing trail of candy corn in Mallhalla to hunt down all these treats!
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!
The spooky season of tricks, treats, and frightening feats is here. We’re celebrating the festivities with new Halloween-themed Skins for Mirage and Thatch, a new Graveyard Shift 2020 Podium, and lots more.
See the list below for all the exclusive treats:
Corpse Bride Mirage
- “Here comes the bride, all dressed to fight!”
- Not even death will part Mirage from her true love. She re-enters the Great Halls from beyond the grave armed with her Scythe and Spear: In Sickness and In Health.
Werewolf Thatch
- “It’s high moon.”
- Things are looking pretty hairy for this ‘ol pirate. Beware of the full moon, or you might fall prey to his Haunted Incisor Sword or Wolf’s Howl Blasters.
Dusk Till Dawn
- “He vants to take your Elo!”
- This elven king becomes a different kind of nobleman for the Brawlhalloween season. Just don’t let him get too close, his teeth and Immortal Pike a
re as pointy as his ears.
Petra Reanimated
- “Consult your doctor.”
- SHE LIVES! Avoid the grasp of Petra’s Horror and Fright Gauntlets and the cruel sting of Von Evilstein’s Heart.
- “She’s got a bone to pick!”
- Cat got your… flesh? The fiery spirit that possesses Asuri’s skeleton is just as fierce. Beware, her Bone Claw Katars are as sharp as her Sword, Joint Pain.
Werebat Ragnir
- “Like a bat out of Helheim.”
- This bat is right-side-up and ready to brawl! He uses his finely attuned senses to best his opponents with his Sonar Slicer Katars and The Monster Slash Axe.
Immortal Caspian
- “When you’re a vampire thief, the stakes are always high.”
- Caspian’s blue blood seems to be in short supply these days, so yours will have to suffice. Look out for the attack of his Vampiric Embrace Gauntlets and his Bloodletting Katars.
The Monster Gnash
- Graveyard smaaaash!”
- No, Gnash is the Monster, not the doctor. Though, it’s not an expression of misunderstood humanity when he swings his Headache Hammer or Hand-Saw Spear in your direction.
Punkin Spice Yumiko
- “In every town, village, and city. There is no escape. Ever.”
- Yumiko is hella sus. Vote her out before she can get you with her ded Bow or LOL RIP Hammer.
Demonkin Diana
- “Be careful what you ask for”
- This half-blood is all-in on taking you down. Her Wicked Wings Bow and Brimstone Blasters will send you to the not-so-pearly gates below.
Horseman Lucien
- “They say his spirit haunts the roadways to this very day.”
- This pompous undead Count thinks himself a gourd. Even in his current state he threatens dissidents with his Haunting Blade Katars and his trusty Blasters, Ghost and Goblin.
Bewitching Scarlet
- “Nice night for a hex.”
- She’ll put a spell on you with her Dark Cauldron Hammer and Witching Broom.
- Bonus: Angry Magic Hat poses with Scarlet’s actions!
Graveyard Shift 2020 – “Darkness falls across the land…”
- A new animated podium for frightening fun.
- Now featuring sound FX!
KO Effect
Jac-KO-Lantern – “Smashing pumpkins into tiny pieces of debris!”
- An exclusive KO Effect for Brawlhalloween.
Haunting Colors
- Give your opponents a scare with these purple, black, and orange colors.
- Available for every Legend!
Pumpkin Pyre Avatar
- An animated Avatar!
- “Ghostly fire makes everything better!”
RIP Avatar
- “Rest In Pieces.”
- Purchasable with your hard-earned Gold!
Brawlhalloween will also feature 250 bonus login Gold during the event!
The World Championship Final is a double-elimination bracket where every competitor has qualified for their spot through either Power Rankings or Last Chance Qualifiers. Each region has a specific number of qualifier spots through Power Rankings and LCQ’s.
LCQ’s for BCX 2020 are happening on Oct 31st & Nov 1st. Tune in live on twitch.com/brawlhalla to start earning the exclusive new viewership reward, the Esports Colors!”
Players that have already qualified for BCX are invited to compete in the World Championship Finals and are not permitted to compete in the World Championship LCQs (NA/EU/SA).
Walkers have risen in the Great Halls of Valhalla, and it’s up to Rick, Michonne, and Daryl to stop them in this new Epic Crossover Event! Rick Grimes, Michonne, and Daryl Dixon are new Epic Crossovers. Epic Crossovers feature custom Signature effects, custom lock-in animations, dedicated Roster spots, and two new Weapon Skins.
Rick, Michonne, and Daryl mirror the abilities of Barraza, Koji, and Ember, respectively, and will be staying in Mallhalla after the event ends.
Rick Epic Crossover – “It’s all about survival now.”
- Armed with his Hatchet and Revolvers, Rick Grimes is here to show everyone what needs to be done to survive.
Michonne Epic Crossover – “Nice never got me anywhere. But smart did.”
- Michonne, the expert swordswoman, is ready to fight – and she’ll do whatever it takes to win.
Daryl Epic Crossover – “Today’s your lucky day, fellas.”
- Daryl Dixon has brought his motorcycle, his crossbow, and a few other weapons to come out on top!
KO Effect
Walker’s Grasp
- “There’s nowhere to run!”
- Pummel your opponents into a slew of walker hands and debris with this new KO Effect!
Days Gone Bye
- “We can’t hold them!”
- Have your Legend stand on top to fend off the walker horde. This animated Podium features grasping walker hands, a heavy machine gun, and lock-in sound effects!
The Walking Dead Epic Crossover event also includes:
- A new The Walking Dead themed Game Mode and Brawl of the Week – Walker Attack!
- Daily login bonus of 250 Gold to celebrate this Epic Crossover event.
- A new The Walking Dead themed UI Takeover!
The Walking Dead © 2020 AMC Film Holdings LLC. All rights reserved.
Season 2 features 85 tiers of new exclusive rewards unlockable by playing Brawlhalla and completing missions. This season is only available for a limited time, so play now!
- A new feature that allows players to select which level of the Progression Skin and Podium to equip.
- Daily, Weekly, and General missions throughout the season.
- New Synthwave Kung Foot Map.
- New Free-for-All map called Sun Drive City.
Grab your favorite Legend and start brawling! For more information, check out brawlhalla.com/battlepass.
For a limited time, we are introducing the Solidarity Emote for Charity. All proceeds from this Emote will be donated to Campaign Zero. To find out more information about this non-profit organization, check out www.joincampaignzero.org.
Ghost Brawl is back! Quickly go invisible when you don’t use any powers in this tense game mode. If you stay invisible too long or use any power (including dodge), then you’ll be visible once more! (Pro Tip: dust clouds from jumps and dashes are still visible even when an opponent is not.)
- 1v1
- 3 Stocks
- 200% Damage
- 8 Minute Timer
- Find Brawlhalloween and AMC’s The Walking Dead items by following the candy corn in Mallhalla!
- Mako’s price has been reduced to 5400 Gold!
- We’re currently rapidly rotating through chests. See the in-game timer to know when the next chest will rotate.
- Check out the new Sales items!
The new free-to-play Legend rotation for this week includes: Hattori, Cross, Onyx, Volkov, Nix, Thor, Orion, Bödvar, and Lin Fei
- Hattori – A gifted ninja with unparalleled skill with the Sword and Spear has discovered Valhalla. Will she find any worthy challengers there?
- Cross – For years he has owned New York City, but can he do the same in Valhalla? This charismatic mobster steps into Valhalla with Blasters and Gauntlets.
- Onyx – The powerful Guardian and Protector of Castle Batavia, Onyx has been offered a place in Valhalla and now defends it ruthlessly with her Cannon and Gauntlets.
- Volkov – The Vampire King of Batavia has unexpectedly found Valhalla and has brought his Scythe and Axe to battle.
- Nix – Led by a thousand year hunt, this reaper, armed with both Blasters and Scythe, has found herself a new bounty in Valhalla.
- Thor – Finally entering the ring, Thor, God of Thunder, makes his appearance in the Grand Tournament with his trusty Hammer, Mjölnir, and his powerful Orb.
- Orion – A revered warrior and champion, the mysterious armored knight uses Rocket Lance and Spear to battle his foes in the halls of Valhalla!
- Bödvar – He is the Protector of the North and dreams of endless battle. Bödvar has broken down the doors to Valhalla himself and is ready to take down his foes with Sword and Hammer!
- Lin Fei – A defender of the innocent and teacher of the lost ways. She is a great teacher who has developed her own fighting style, the ‘Way of the Iron Dragon,’ which utilizes her Cannon, Katars and an ancestral dragon-spirit.