Community Art Showcase #84
Welcome to the 84th Brawlhalla Community Art Showcase! This showcase is filled with special dev picks of art that ya’ll in the community have made that we want to show off! As always, thank you for continuing to create amazing community art and for sharing it online! TYC_C2-ENM82F
Featured thumbnail art by TebzDrawz – https://twitter.com/TebzD/
My gosh, paint metals are so hard, but finally Orion fanart is here. @Brawlhalla#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt #Orion #Fanart #Videogame pic.twitter.com/2alooSmxHV
— Zustos (Commissions OPEN!) (@Zustos_) July 27, 2021
Holy cow the textures and the rim lighting are so good.
Tive que parar tudo oque eu estava fazendo e desenhar o Octavius😳👍#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt pic.twitter.com/0iEmxHZg7U
— Butterscotch✨ (@deamoon_9) July 27, 2021
This looks like it’d go above Octavius’ mantle.
Dang, Karamel nailed the hair.
Here she is! Soulbound Diana! I've been betting on a Diana epic skin since the moment I saw the first hint of this battle pass, I could not be happier with this design!#BrawlhallaArt @Brawlhalla pic.twitter.com/JPqT3BWya6
— SilenceArts | C0MMS OPEN (@SilenceArt33) July 27, 2021
2 for the price of 1! Silence Art gives love Soulbound Diana.
Ohhhh menacing. 4C4E_Z-3CC73B
Uh oh…Battle pass time!!!#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt pic.twitter.com/Lur7eg7R6K
— Metadev Petra (@Buchticky) July 28, 2021
The progression of Octavius Mordex.
otávio mordex 😳#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt pic.twitter.com/TKIPfeTqf9
— gasb (@enorull) July 28, 2021
Hah there’s so much emotion in this expression.
"You are but a mindless beast now it is my duty to tame you!"#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt pic.twitter.com/LB43E9pEAN
— Nevi 🎨 (@Nevianna3) July 29, 2021
Fun yet fierce.
diana pic.twitter.com/PASasZEmr5
— p! (@piximilia) July 29, 2021
Love the back to back. H3B1VG-BAT_87
The Order will fall.
Soulbound Diana! New Battlepass! Yay!#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt #animation pic.twitter.com/sCkEEI8jTm
— CJ Heckfire (Back and Blazin') (@CJHeckfire) July 30, 2021
Just a little bit of nightmare fuel for you.
Soulbound Diana lol #Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt pic.twitter.com/DjvVl4u2kC
— Compa /Comms OPEN AF (@Compaculaaa) August 2, 2021
Soulbound Diana gives the cutest rawr.
💀Soulbound Diana🕯️#brawlhallaart #brawlhalla #art pic.twitter.com/i0GN2ZiLkn
— MIKE🐟 (@Fishman_Mike623) August 2, 2021
wowza this would make an insanely cool wall poster!!
uhhuuuu terminei as 3 formas do Mordex
não saiu exatamente da forma que eu queria… mas ficou bom 😀#BrawlhallaArt #Brawlhalla pic.twitter.com/14oJ8IOFA4
— Butterscotch✨ (@deamoon_9) August 3, 2021
This is so sick!
i will draw soulbound Diana, just won't post it here
wink wink#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt pic.twitter.com/ym0ODpdrG1— Beetle🤍 (@beetlesdumb) August 4, 2021
OMG Speechless.
some more ferrymoth reno! 💖#BrawlhallaArt pic.twitter.com/7qJmkev5qx
— toasty 🍞 (@staletoastt) August 6, 2021
Uno más porque me gustó el anterior#brawlhallaart #brawlhalla #fanart pic.twitter.com/evy4gOriD6
— SNT (COMMISSIONS OPEN!!) (@DrwSnt) August 5, 2021
Voy a terminar haciendo a todos los personajes? Probablemente#brawlhallaart #brawlhalla #fanart pic.twitter.com/0s6mX9NNwQ
— SNT (COMMISSIONS OPEN!!) (@DrwSnt) August 6, 2021
Oh snap 6C_W7C-1GV508
Dang this is so good. I love the glint in the snake eye.
#BrawlhallaArt #Brawlhalla i have come back once again just to disappear for another millennia. High Priestess Nai. pic.twitter.com/D4DRLtE1DH
— Mushi (@MaskedTea) August 8, 2021
Killer shading. 43KEVB-V6DJ_Y
Enter the Fortress of Lions.
Done in Blender. Battlepass Tomorrow!#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt #Blender3d pic.twitter.com/vBxJMAogFJ
— CJ Heckfire (Back and Blazin') (@CJHeckfire) August 10, 2021
Fait Brawlhalla #brawlhallaart #brawlhalla pic.twitter.com/KHKzbTxONo
— eulatiu (@eulatiuu) August 10, 2021
Dang the artists in our community are so good.
Dia 5: Gnash!!🐯#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt pic.twitter.com/v0MAcXa6ac
— den (@dengry_) August 10, 2021
Adorable. F2HBCX-3E9_ZX
Hattori – Brawlhalla (without mask)#BrawlhallaArt #brawlhalla @Brawlhalla pic.twitter.com/K5PVDcKaNM
— eulatiu (@eulatiuu) August 11, 2021
awooo#BrawlhallaArt #Brawlhalla #Mordex pic.twitter.com/oqdAQEnfxa
— Beetle🤍 (@beetlesdumb) August 11, 2021
Woah, that’s awesome. AXR7M3-S6P1_T
Happy battlepassing everyone!
here's High Priestess Nai ~💜#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt #Queen #Nai pic.twitter.com/B012hpsMEQ— Ellumi (@EllumiLucid) August 11, 2021
Oh dang, I want this on my wall.
On his way to make everyone's lives harder…
We don't know.
But it's Cross. What do you expect?#BrawlhallaArt #Brawlhalla #Honourbound #Cross pic.twitter.com/wrMggYPOei— Bluebellowl (@Annabelle_M_Br) August 11, 2021
Everything about this is amazing.
Octavius Mordex
.#Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt #fanart pic.twitter.com/R4ZqINBzMt— Milz (@MilzTheArtist) August 19, 2021
I love Milz’s art.
🥪#BrawlhallaArt #Brawlhalla pic.twitter.com/RiglXbWjBh
— Butterscotch✨ (@deamoon_9) August 21, 2021
Ahahaha this is so good. 5TX_FM-B3962F
Smug Kindergarten Kaya
commissioned by @tamezesk #Brawlhalla #BrawlhallaArt #digitalart pic.twitter.com/fVdrZ0w6IP— Sariel (@QuinlobChris) August 20, 2021
I think I’ve seen that expression in an Anime.
Hoot pic.twitter.com/R1qrKqHU4O
— Orange (@orange_moth) August 23, 2021
The details are really good. Love the owl.
Quick doodle#BrawlhallaArt pic.twitter.com/4jTVfZzcpP
— Em (@cosminie) August 24, 2021
Hall Minotaur Teros is looking for Thatch.
Thanks for checking out the 84th Community Art Showcase. If you find something you like and want to share it with us, use the #BrawlhallaArt or tag us @Brawlhalla. If you’re looking for the CC’s then you’ll have to look throughout the post and figure out the missing character through trial and error. SD2T_N-BTHBVB