Community Art Showcase #80

Community Art Showcase #80

Welcome to the 80th Brawlhalla Community Art Showcase! There has been an epic amount of art about the Battle Pass Season 3 and we’re incredibly excited to share it with ya’ll! As always, thank you for continuing to create amazing community art and for sharing it online! 40S_D0-2VPBXN

They also have a great Battle Pass Ulgrim piece. Looking forward to seeing more from Ellumi!

SUPER cool shadows they put on this one.

Halloween has come early! We’ll be sure to show Foda this one. He loves Asuri.

Shin Shekai Koji in Frozen Forest colors. The Cyber Nord look, as I call it.

I don’t think a reaper has ever been so cute before.

Honestly though shoutouts to the luscious locks of hair on Midnight the horse here.

Demon… grandpa? He’s looking real cool here anyway.

We all need more Barraza love on our timelines. But do be mindful of the poison.

It’s a Nordic Halloween Heatwave here this week! HE IS SUCH A GOOD BOI!

There is such a mood to this Brynn and I can’t get enough of it.

:raised_hands:  422V_V-TXGCTP

:racehorse: 9V0RSW-0_DH0J

:heart: 5RY7F4-GDDJ5D

“this is SICK!”

Amazing! 3NN_7V-B13PBN

:muscle: Q6REB4-BY_YK9

:raised_hands: E_PXAR-V8P8Q4

:100: WPCAR3-52NNVH

“holy cow this is gorgeous!”

:heart: WE_XJ5-57P8PR

:snake:  JJ5GAE-65Q_V4

:100: SRK001-36_CZC

:raised_hands:  3EXZF3-YYH8E6

:100: K0QPT9-8S_39T

Legend splash