Brawlhalloween Event – Patch 3.31
Welcome to the Brawlhalloween Event! The spooky season of tricks, treats, and frightening feats is here. We’ve got new spooky Skins, a new Podium, scary Ghost Brawl, Holiday bonus Gold, and a slew of other goodies available for those who want to get into the holiday spirit.
Brawlhalloween Event
Trick or Treat – Brawlhalloween is upon us! We’re celebrating the festivities with new Halloween-themed Skins for Ragnir and Asuri. We’re also releasing a new Podium, Toil and Trouble, that will remain available in Mallhalla even after the event has ended!
See the list below for all the Brawlhalloween treats:
- Werebat Ragnir – “Like a bat out of Helheim.”
- Skel-Asuri – “She’s got a bone to pick!”
- Bewitching Scarlet – “Nice night for a hex.”
- Horseman Lucien – “They say his spirit haunts the roadways to this very day.”
- Demonkin Diana – “Be careful what you ask for.”
- Punkin Spice Yumiko – “In every town, village, and city. There is no escape. Ever.”
- The Monster Gnash – “Graveyard smaaaash!”
- Immortal Caspian – “When you’re a vampire thief, the stakes are always high.”
KO Effect
- Jac-KO-Lantern – “Smashing pumpkins into tiny pieces of debris!”
- Graveyard Shift Podium
- “Darkness falls across the land…”
- Toil and Trouble Podium
- “Double, double toil and trouble; Ragnir’s breath and Cross’s stubble.”
- This Podium is here to stay! It will be available after the event has ended as a permanent addition to Mallhalla.
- Haunting Colors
- Give your opponents a fright with these purple, black, and orange colors.
- Available for every Legend!
- Pumpkin Pyre Avatar
- An animated Avatar!
- “Ghostly fire makes everything better!”
- RIP Avatar
- “Rest In Pieces.”
- Purchasable with your hard-earned Gold!
Brawlhalloween will also feature a UI Takeover and +250 Gold per login!
- Find Brawlhalloween items by following the candy corn in Mallhalla!
- Introducing new Skins for Ragnir & Asuri
- Exclusive Skins for Scarlet, Lucien, Diana, Yumiko, Gnash, & Caspian
- New Podium: Toil and Trouble – a permanent addition to Mallhalla!
- Graveyard Shift Podium is available for a limited time!
- Jac-KO-Lantern KO Effect
- Halloween-themed Avatars
- Haunting Colors
- Check out the new Sales items!
Brawl of the Week – Ghost Brawl!
Ghost Brawl is back! Quickly go invisible when you don’t use any powers in this tense game mode. Stay invisible too long, or use any power (including dodge) and you’re visible once more! (Pro Tip: Dust clouds from jumps and dashes are still visible even when an opponent is not!)
- 1v1
- 3 Stocks
- 200% Damage
- 8 Minute Timer
- The Founder’s Pack is leaving the store. Thank you everyone who helped launch Brawlhalla on the PS4. The All-Legends Pack is entering the store. As always, the All-Legends Pack is an insanely good deal, unlocking all current legends and all future legends forever for one startlingly low price.
Game Improvements
- In the “Meet the Legends” screen, you can now toggle and switch between sorting the Legends in alphabetical order or release order (how Legends are sorted in lobbies).
- Fixed a bug where players couldn’t start a tutorial with a keyboard if the “-multikeyboard” launch option was set.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the transition from scoreboard to character select to be visually messy.
- Fixed a bug where the rewards screen to character select screen transition was not smooth.
- On PS4, fixed a bug where frame-stepping backwards during a Spear ground pound could result in the sound looping forever.
- On PS4, fixed a bug where players couldn’t start a tutorial with a keyboard.
Legend Rotation
The new Legend rotation for this week includes: Ember, Kor, Scarlet, Ada, Azoth, Jiro, Isaiah, and Queen Nai
- Ember – This quick and dexterous elf does battle in Valhalla with Bow, Katars and her two companions: a wolf named Ash and her raven named Yarra.
- Kor – Blackguard Keep’s left platform mover takes his place in the arena wielding both Gauntlets and Grappling Hammer.
- Scarlet – A former female boxing champion of England and head of the Royal Airship Navy, this Legend uses her ingenuity and steam power to build her own Rocket Lance and Grappling Hammer to take into battle.
- Ada – Armed with Blasters and Spear, this nano-tech, elite combat hacker aims to win in the Grand Tournament.
- Azoth – Devoted acolytes bring this brilliant and ruthless lich lord to life as he comes into Valhalla to do battle with Bow and Axe.
- Jiro – Trained as a child by a powerful and secret shinobi family, Jiro comes into the arena with not only Scythe and Sword but shadow clones as well!
- Isaiah – Major Isaiah Marshall, OEL’s special forces commander is at your service. He utilizes Cannon and Blasters with the help of his drone, equipped with a cloaking device and rockets at its disposal!
- Queen Nai – With each victory nourishing the gods of her people, Queen Nai has come wielding Katars, Spear, and her powerful sorcery.