Happy Brawlhalloween & Get Tickets for BCX 2024!
Boo! 🦇 The scariest Event in Valhalla has arrived. Celebrate Brawlhalloween with 19 seasonal Skins, including the new Calavera Catrina Seven Skin, Claim the new Brawlhalloween Sidekick – Sam – the Pumpkin Prince of Brawlhalloween, and 3 new seasonal Emojis. To find these and even more Halloween treats, just follow the candy corn in Mallhalla! 🎃
Check out our super creepy BOTW: Ghost Brawl – where your location is a surprise for you and your opponent! 👻
BCX is sneaking up around the corner. Once you’ve claimed your halloween sweets it’ll only be one weekend away! Whether you’re traveling to the event, which you’ll need to grab a ticket for at BCX.LIVE, or watching from home on Twitch, it’s going to be a spectacle to say the least. Without giving away too much… expect the unexpected! 🍬🍫🥳
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitch, TikTok, Discord, YouTube, Reddit, X, Instagram, and Facebook!
The spookiest season is here. Ghouls, goblins, and all manner of creatures of Demon Island gather to celebrate Brawlhalloween! We’re celebrating by opening up the crypt underneath Mallhalla. There you’ll find 19 seasonal Skins, including the new Calavera Catrina Seven Skin, a brand new Sidekick, Emojis, Ofrenda 2024 Podium, Colors, and more! Just follow the trail of candy corn and you won’t lose your way.
See the list below for all the exclusive treats:
Calavera Catrina Seven
“A remembrance of the KO-ed, and a celebration of the brawl!”
- Celebrate Day of the Dead in fabulous style, this Robot Puppet’s ready to dance with her Xochitl Tlacochtli Spear and Quetzalcoatl Tlequiquiztli Cannon!
Diabolical Doll Arcadia
“Watch out for your teddy bear.”
- Wanna brawl until… THE END?? Beware this haunted doll’s Ornate Scissorblade Greatsword and Stuffing Spear!
“Dark forces spur the beginnings of this Great One’s domination.”
- The Deep One breaks through the lagoon’s surface with Rotten Oar Spear and Chainbreakers Gauntlets.
Mad Doctor Ulgrim
“His last patient was Petra and look at her now!”
- With an Extra Large Scalpel and Skull Saw, Ulgrim finds unconventional uses for his (now revoked) M.D.
Termin-gator Onyx
“Croc cyborgs don’t feel pain.”
- Alligator? Crocodile? Either way, Ulgrim’s latest medical experiment is on the loose. Armed with Judgment Claws and Swamp Serum… She’ll be back.
Ray of the Dead
“RIP: Rayman is Phantasmic.”
- Of course they celebrate Halloween in the Glade of Dreams! No one is more excited than Rayman with his sugar skull inspired face paint, Calaveraxe, and Saints & Souls Gauntlets.
Demon Rider Artemis
“Anybody can ride a Rocket Lance. The trouble begins when you try to land with it.”
- Witness Artemis and her unmatched command of stunts and the badlands. She’s ready for any terrain with her Dirt Road Drill Rocket Lance and Adrenaline Rush Scythe.
Corpse Bride Mirage
“Here comes the bride, all dressed to fight!”
- Not even death will part Mirage from her true love. She re-enters the Great Halls from beyond the grave armed with her Scythe and Spear: In Sickness and In Health.
Werewolf Thatch
“It’s high moon.”
- Things are looking pretty hairy for this ‘ol pirate. Be sure to beware of the full moon, or you might fall prey to his Haunted Incisor Sword or Wolf’s Howl Blasters.
Dusk Till Dawn
“He vants to take your Elo!”
- This elven king becomes a different kind of nobleman for the Brawlhalloween season. Just don’t let him get too close, his teeth and Immortal Pike are as pointy as his ears. The Blood Keepsake Orb can’t be good either.
Petra Reanimated
“Consult your doctor.”
- SHE LIVES! Avoid the grasp of Petra’s Gauntlets – Horror & Fright, and the cruel sting of Von Evilstein’s Heart.
“She’s got a bone to pick!”
- Cat got your… flesh? The fiery spirit that possesses Asuri’s skeleton is just as fierce. Beware, her Bone Claw Katars are as sharp as her Sword, Joint Pain.
Werebat Ragnir
“Like a bat out of Helheim.”
- This bat is right-side-up and ready to brawl! He uses his finely attuned senses to best his opponents with his Sonar Slicer Katars and The Monster Slash Axe.
Immortal Caspian
“When you’re a vampire thief, the stakes are always high.”
- Caspian’s blue blood seems to be in short supply these days, so your own blood will have to suffice. Look out for the attack of his Vampiric Embrace Gauntlets and his Bloodletting Katars.
The Monster Gnash
“Graveyard smaaaash!”
- Everyone’s favorite monster is getting ready to MASH his opponents with his Headache Hammer and Hand-Saw Spear.
Punkin Spice Yumiko
“In every town, village, and city. There is no escape. Ever.”
- It’s Punkin Spice season, and Yumiko isn’t taking prisoners with her ded Bow and LOL RIP Hammer.
Demonkin Diana
“Be careful what you ask for”
- This half-blood is all-in on taking you down. Her Wicked Wings Bow and Brimstone Blasters will send you to the not-so-pearly gates below.
Horseman Lucien
“They say his spirit haunts the roadways to this very day.”
- This pompous undead Count thinks himself a gourd. Even in his current state he threatens dissidents with his Haunting Blade Katars and his trusty Blasters, Ghost and Goblin.
Bewitching Scarlet
“Nice night for a hex.”
- She’ll put a spell on you with her Dark Cauldron Hammer and Witching Broom.
- Bonus: Angry Magic Hat poses with Scarlet’s actions!
Sam – “The prince of Brawlhalloween!
- New Brawlhalloween seasonal Sidekick!
Diablo – “The most haunting of friends!”.
New Brawlhalloween seasonal Emojis!
- Demonkin Heart – Your gamble paid off <3
- Till Dawn GG – Keep your elo! ah ha ha!
- Bewitching BRB – Picking up a new potion, be right back!
More seasonal Emojis:
- Ray of the Dead Thumbs Up – “Always brush your teeth after eating candy!”
- Punkin Spice 1 More – “Trick or treat!”
- Horseman Cackle – “Mua-ha-ha-hah!!” – An animated Emoji!
Ofrenda 2024 – “An offering for our KO’d Brawlers.”
- The expression on the sugar skull’s face changes depending on the Podium’s state! (Ready/Idle, Lock In, Victory, & Defeat)
- Exclusive updated art for 2024!
- Featuring unique sound and visual FX.
Skeleton Dance – “Doot doot.”
- Have a fun spooky time with a skeleton friend while dancing to some unique tunes.
KO Effect
Jac-KO-Lantern – “Smashing pumpkins into tiny pieces of debris!”
- An exclusive KO Effect for Brawlhalloween.
Pumpkin Pyre – “Ghostly fire makes everything better!”
- An animated Avatar!
RIP – “Rest In Pieces.”
- Purchasable with your hard-earned Gold!
Haunting Colors – “Gloom of night and glow of flame.”
- Give your opponents a scare with these purple, black, and orange colors.
- Available for every Legend!
Brawlhalloween 2024 also features:
- A new annual exclusive “Made of Candy Corn” Title Reward given to players that log on during the event.
- Pumpkins spread across a few Brawlhalla Maps!
Ghost Brawl is back! Quickly go invisible when you don’t use any powers in this tense game mode. If you stay invisible too long or use any power (including dodge), then you’ll be visible once more! (Pro Tip: dust clouds from jumps and dashes are still visible even when an opponent is not.)
- 1v1
- 3 Stocks
- 200% Damage
- 8 Minute Timer
The free-to-play Legend rotation for this week features: Hattori, Volkov, Vector, Jaeyun. Xull, Kor, Fait, Ember, and Vivi.
- Hattori – A gifted ninja with unparalleled skill with the Sword and Spear has discovered Valhalla. Will she find any worthy challengers there?
- Volkov – The Vampire King of Batavia has unexpectedly found Valhalla and has brought his Scythe and Axe to battle.
- Vector – Transforming into a jet with his Rocket Lance and wielding his Bow to fight, Vector travels through time and space to battle crime!
- Jaeyun – The legendary mercenary who has traveled across the Old Kingdom on the back of his dragon turtle companion Imugi, Jaeyun has discovered new riches and sights in Valhalla! He brings the Greatsword and Sword to battle in the Grand Tournament.
- Xull – With legendary physical strength, this Axe and Cannon wielding Orc Warlord is ready to challenge everyone and everything in Valhalla!
- Kor – Blackguard Keep’s left platform mover takes his place in the arena wielding both Gauntlets and Hammer.
- Fait – Speaking to the stars and using glimpses of the future, Fait battles for good with her Scythe and Orb!
- Ember – This quick and dexterous elf does battle in Valhalla with Bow, Katars and her two companions: a wolf named Ash and her raven named Yarra.
- Vivi – With her lucky Blasters (complete with cat charm), and Aú Sem Mão Battle Boots, Vivi’s graceful moves are as dangerous as they are mesmerizing. When she’s not participating in the Grand Tournament, she loves updating her cat blog, “Across the Unifurs”.