Brawlhalloween 2019 Continues!
Brawlhalloween continues its spooky takeover with a new Skin for Petra and Dusk, along with eight other Halloween-themed Skins, a new Podium, exclusive Haunting Colors, and a slew of other frightful goodies that can be found by following the candy corn in Mallhalla.
The Katars of the Raven are still available to be claimed! Also, Vector debuts on the free-to-play Legend rotation, the Brawl of the Week features Switchcraft 2v2, and we changed items on sale.
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!
- Dusk Till Dawn – “He vants to take your Elo!”
- Petra Reanimated – “Consult your doctor.”
- Werebat Ragnir – “Like a bat out of Helheim.”
- Skel-Asuri – “She’s got a bone to pick!”
- Bewitching Scarlet – “Nice night for a hex.”
- Horseman Lucien – “They say his spirit haunts the roadways to this very day.”
- Demonkin Diana – “Be careful what you ask for.”
- Punkin Spice Yumiko – “In every town, village, and city. There is no escape. Ever.”
- The Monster Gnash – “Graveyard smaaaash!”
- Immortal Caspian – “When you’re a vampire thief, the stakes are always high.”
- Graveyard Shift 2019
- “Darkness falls across the land…”
- A new style for frightful fun!
KO Effect
- Jac-KO-Lantern
- “Smashing pumpkins into tiny pieces of debris!”
- An exclusive KO Effect for Brawlhalloween.
- Haunting Colors
- Give your opponents a scare with these purple, black, and orange colors.
- Available for every Legend!
- Pumpkin Pyre Avatar
- An animated Avatar!
- “Ghostly fire makes everything better!”
- RIP Avatar
- “Rest In Pieces.”
- Purchasable with your hard-earned Gold!
- “Rest In Pieces.”
Brawlhalloween will also feature:
- Bewitching Jack-o’-lanterns and pumpkins across Brawlhalla maps.
- Bouncy Bombs replaced with Bouncy Pumpkin Bombs!
- A Halloween-themed UI Takeover.
- 250 bonus login Gold during the event!
Odin has returned and brought another Gift of Asgard to the earthly realm – the Katars of the Raven! This social media Weapon Skin is now available for ALL platforms. Claim the Katars of the Raven at brawlhalla.com/freekatars.
- Unlock these social Katars for PC, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.
- One code per Twitch account for the platform of your choice. More information is available at brawlhalla.com/news/claiming-the-katars-of-the-raven.
- We appreciate all of you who have already followed us to stay up-to-date on everything Brawlhalla!
It’s Switchcraft mayhem! Get a teammate and jump into this crazy 2v2 Stock battle. Pick 3 Legends and watch their weapons and sigs get jumbled up. Battle equally scrambled opponents and try to knock out all 6 of their Stocks first to win!
- 2v2 Teams
- 3 Stocks for each player
- Last team standing wins!
- Find Brawlhalloween items by following the candy corn in Mallhalla!
- We’re currently rapidly rotating through chests. See the in-game timer to know when the next chest will rotate.
- Check out the new Sales items!
Vector debuts on the free-to-play Legend rotation! This week also includes: Scarlet, Asuri, Thatch, Xull, Wu Shang, Fait, and Kaya.
- Vector – Transforming into a jet with his Rocket Lance and wielding his Bow to fight, Vector travels through time and space to battle crime!
- Scarlet – A former female boxing champion of England and head of the Royal Airship Navy, this Legend uses her ingenuity and steam power to build her own Rocket Lance and Grappling Hammer to take into battle.
- Asuri – This Night Stalker has claimed the Tournament as her territory and sets upon challengers to her domain using Katars and Sword!
- Thatch – The tournament is a paradise of chaos and fire for this Madman of the Barbados as he uses Sword and Blasters.
- Xull – With legendary physical strength, this Axe and Cannon wielding Orc Warlord is ready to challenge everyone and everything in Valhalla!
- Wu Shang – Using the way of peace, discipline and martial arts, he takes down his foes with Spear and Gauntlets!
- Fait – Speaking to the stars and using glimpses of the future, Fait battles for good with her Scythe and Orb!
- Kaya – Using her bow, spear and spirit animals, she is ready to try her luck in the Grand Tournament!