Brawlhalla’s August 2023 Charity Stream to Benefit Oceana
This Friday, August 18th, Brawlhalla will be having a Charity Stream on twitch.tv/brawlhalla!
Featuring a slew of Brawlhalla developers, the Devs will be playing various games starting at 1pm ET for 12 hours to raise money to benefit Oceana with Green Game Jam.
You can donate by visiting brawlhalla.com/donate.
Here are the games that will be played throughout the Charity Stream:
- $100 – 1v1 a dev of your choice
- $150 – 2v2 two devs of your choice
- $200 – 3v3 three devs of your choice
Crab Champions
- $25 – Play with crab claws
- $30 – Strafe Only
Super Mario Sunshine
- $10 – Pick a game mode and/or weapons
By tuning in to the Brawlhalla Twitch stream, viewers can earn exclusive Viewership Rewards:
- Random Community Colors V.2 Unlock
- “Altruistic” In-Game Title
- Acuity Manifest Axe
Tune in to watch the fun live on twitch.tv/brawlhalla. For times in your local time zone, see brawlhalla.com/schedule.
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