Brawlhalla Weekly Rotation – September 4, 2019
The Back to School Event is in full swing with seasonal Skins including new Skins for Lin Fei and Fait, Home Team Colors, bonus Gold, and more! Find these exclusive, limited-time items in Mallhalla by following the apples.
For those in the pursuit for Glory, the new Ranked Season 14 will start on September 25th. Additionally, we’ve updated the Brawl of the Week to Ghost in the Terminus, changed the Legends on the free-to-play Legend rotation, and rotated the items on sale in Mallhalla.
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!
It’s that time of year to head Back to School! Celebrate the event and dress to impress with Home Team Colors and exclusive Skins available for a limited time.
See the list below for all the Back to School items:
Exclusive Skins
- Headmaster Fait – “Time to count the KOs, ready?”
- Ace Spiker Lin Fei – “She’s got school spirit!”
- Kindergarten Kaya – “Missed the bus? Take a mammoth instead.”
- Gridiron Xull – “The best offense is more offense.”
- First Day Asuri – “Don’t forget your bus number!”
- Greased Lightning Koji – “He’s got the chops!”
- Detention Ada – “Being bad feels pretty good, huh?”
- Home Team Colors
- Show off your school spirit in these black, red, and gold colors.
- Available for every Legend with hard-earned Gold!
- Oodles of Doodles
- An animated Avatar!
- “The story’s in the margins.”
- Brawlhalla 101
- “Class is in session!”
- Purchasable with your hard-earned Gold!
Back to School will also feature:
- +250 bonus Gold per login!
- A Back to School UI Takeover.
Phase in and out of visibility as you fight for your escape from Loki’s prison! Queue up against 2 other Players in a 3 minute FFA game with 300% damage. Score 2 points for KO-ing an enemy, lose 1 point for being KO’d. All while you and your opponents go invisible when not using powers!
- 3 Player FFA
- 3 minutes
- 300% Damage
- Most points at the end wins!
- Follow the apples for the Back to School goodies in Mallhalla!
- We’re currently rapidly rotating through chests. See the in-game timer to know when the next chest will rotate.
- Check out the new Sales items!
The new free-to-play Legend rotation for this week includes: Koji, Barraza, Mirage, Caspian, Hattori, Isaiah, Scarlet, and Fait.
- Koji – Armed with his ancestral katana, Koji slices his way through the battlefield with Sword and Bow!
- Barraza – A feared man in the wastelands with his Blasters and Axe, Barraza is the ultimate survivor and will do what it takes to be at the top in Valhalla.
- Mirage – An occultist, martial artist, and spy, this agent uses the powers of magic and time-travel along with her Scythe and Spear to take down her foes.
- Caspian – Led by his showmanship and thirst for danger, he has come to Valhalla armed with Katars and Gauntlets to put on a show!
- Hattori – A gifted ninja with unparalleled skill with the Sword and Spear has discovered Valhalla. Will she find any worthy challengers there?
- Isaiah – Major Isaiah Marshall, OEL’s special forces commander is at your service. He utilizes Cannon and Blasters with the help of his drone, equipped with a cloaking device and rockets at its disposal!
- Scarlet – A former female boxing champion of England and head of the Royal Airship Navy, this Legend uses her ingenuity and steam power to build her own Rocket Lance and Grappling Hammer to take into battle.
- Fait – Speaking to the stars and using glimpses of the future, Fait battles for good with her Scythe and Orb!