Brawlhalla Weekly Rotation – January 2, 2019
Traversing galaxies and crossing interplanetary lines, the Cosmic Chest arrives with three exclusives Skins! We also updated the Brawl of the Week to Stay Frosty, changed items on sale in Mallhalla, and updated what Legends are on the free-to-play Legend rotation.
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Cosmic Chest
The Cosmic Chest has come from planets unknown with exclusive Skins for Vraxx, Asuri, and Wu Shang for a limited time!
- Three exclusive Skins: General Vraxx, Apex Predator Asuri, and Infinite Wu Shang.
- Inspired by what lies beyond the cosmos.
- Explore the extraterrestrial with these exclusive Skins!
- For a limited time, the Revenant and Cosmic Chests are available with exclusive Skins!
- Check out the new Sale items!
Brawl of the Week – Stay Frosty!
Celebrate the holidays and get your Snowbrawl on at 150% damage! Face off against 3 other Legends in this 3 minute FFA. Score 1 point for hitting someone with a snowball, 3 points for getting a KO, and lose 1 point for being KO’d. Most points at the end wins!
- FFA Snowbrawl
- Unlimited Stocks
- 150% Damage
- 3 minutes
Legend Rotation
The new Legend rotation for this week includes: Koji, Lord Vraxx, Mirage, Lin Fei, Cassidy, Sentinel Jhala, and Caspian.
- Koji – Armed with his ancestral katana, Koji slices his way through the battlefield with Sword and Bow!
- Lord Vraxx – This feared warlord dominates his opponents with Rocket Lance and Blasters!
- Mirage – An occultist, martial artist, and spy, this agent uses the powers of magic and time-travel along with her Scythe and Spear to take down her foes.
- Lin Fei – A defender of the innocent and teacher of the lost ways. She is a great teacher who has developed her own fighting style, the ‘Way of the Iron Dragon,’ which utilizes her Cannon, Katars and an ancestral dragon-spirit.
- Cassidy – The Marshal of the Old West is ready to instill justice into Valhalla with both Hammer and Blasters!
- Sentinel – The first and greatest costumed superhero in America has come to Asgard, finding those who need protecting and vanquishing injustice with his Katars and Grappling Hammer.
- Jhala – Given the title “Exalted Lion” by Apollo himself, Jhala “The Unbroken” takes the glamor of Valhalla in stride while having fun slaying her foes with Axe and Sword.
- Caspian – Led by his showmanship and thirst for danger, he has come to Valhalla armed with Katars and Gauntlets to put on a show!