Brawlhalla Patch 2.77 – Season 6!
Welcome to Season 6! With the new ranked season we’ve added the long awaited Dash mechanic to Brawlhalla. This change is accompanied by Season 5 rewards, a new sidekick, a new scythe skin, and loads of Balance improvements in light of Dash’s effect on overall gameplay. We’re very excited to bring you Season 6 of Brawlhalla, and we’ll see you on the ranked ladder!
- Wendigo Sidekick – “That ravenous howling isn’t just the wind!”
- Scythe Skin: Seraph’s Message – “Hark the herald angel stings!”
Brawl of the Week – Double KO Mania!
- 2v2 Teams
- 300% Damage
- Friendly Fire is OFF
- Standard 2v2 Mapset
Season 6 – Rewards and Soft Elo reset!
If you’re new to Seasons, here’s some of the information you should know. You’re going to have a soft elo reset, and you’ll also receive Glory, the currency you receive for playing ranked. You can use it in a special section of Mallhalla to get special colors and weapon skins to show your dedication to your favorite Legend. We hope you enjoy your rewards and enjoy Season 6!
Soft Elo Reset Formula
Soft Elo Reset is based on your current elo at the end of the season.
1v1 and 2v2 Personal Rating
- Under 1400: New Elo = Old Elo
- Over 1400: New Elo = 1400 + (Old Elo – 1400) / (3 – (3000 – Old Elo) / 800)
2v2 Team and Legend Rating
- 2v2 Team & Legend Ratings have been brought closer to 750.
- Under 2000: Elo = (Elo + 375) / 1.5
- Over 2000, we aggressively brought you back down as a way of resetting the top tiers. Diamond level players will be reset to high gold or low platinum.
Glory Earnings Calculation
Glory earned is based on a combination of your Highest Peak Rating (highest 1v1, 2v2, team, or Legend rating/elo) and total Wins. This was designed in order to reward both skill and dedication for those who pursue Glory.
You gain 20 Glory per win up to 150 wins which gets you 3000 Glory. After 150 wins, each subsequent win gives you slightly less.
Note: There is a minimum requirement of 10 games played to be eligible for Glory based on your rating.
Ranked Borders from Season 5
If you placed in gold or better in your best rating, you are given a ranked border that people will see in the match preview screen. There are ranked borders for gold, platinum, and diamond tiers. These will last for one season and will be updated again after Season 6.
Your border from Season 4 does not carry over or have any impact on your Season 5 border.
Ranked Avatars from Season 5
Ranked Avatars include prestigious versions for those who’ve placed in high ranks during previous seasons. For example, if you placed in Platinum last season and Gold this season you’ll receive the upgraded versions of the Competitor’s Badge and Gold Emblem. You will still have your original Platinum Emblem avatar from Season 4.
You must play a minimum of 10 games to receive ranked avatars / borders at ANY rank.
- Competitor’s Badge: Awarded to anyone who plays 10 Ranked Games or more.
- Gold Emblem: Awarded to players who finish at Gold or above.
- Platinum Emblem: Awarded to players who finish at Platinum or above.
- Diamond Emblem: Awarded to players who finish at Diamond.
- Upgraded versions of Ranked Avatars are awarded to those who have earned the same Avatar in Seasons 1-5.
Dash and Dodge Changes
When we set out to try Dash earlier this year, we had five goals in mind:
- Adding depth to the neutral game by giving tools for approach and footsies that don’t rely on invulnerability.
- Making a player on the ground more dangerous to a player that’s airborne.
- Implementing a system where we can more strictly limit its use for avoiding combat without making general movement in the game feel worse.
- Making the edges of the stage more meaningful so that a player who has to take to the air in a runaway situation feels like they’re forfeiting some map control and can be more easily be caught up to.
- Creating room to pull some power, mobility, and complexity away from Dodge.
We appreciate all your feedback in making the changes that have come since, and hope that where we are now has shown progress in all five.
While these changes won’t address every issue with the meta, we believe they’ve turned a corner in giving power to the player that attacks first, as well as making more exchanges end in a hit instead of a reset to neutral. We’ll be watching to see how the meta develops and continue to make adjustments as things settle.
Thanks again. We hope you enjoy a very different Season 6.
- Dash has been added to Brawlhalla!
- All dashing can be done from a standstill or while running on the ground for a burst of speed!
- Chase and Chain Dodges after a hit are still possible, but Speed Dodges in neutral and grounded directional Dodges have been removed.
- Slow Dodge durations and grounded cooldowns have been reduced. Dodge recover frames have been removed.
To Dash
- Press any direction + Dodge while on the ground.
- Neutral + Dodge will still perform a Spot Dodge, which can now slide if input while moving.
- Back + Dodge will perform a Back Dash, which keeps the same facing and has some recover frames.
To Dash Jump
- Dash and press Jump.
- Dash Jump is a fast moving low jump that quickly leaps over the threat of many ground attacks.
Additional Dash Options
Dashing comes with a number of additional options for impacting how you move and maneuver around opponents. These include things like sprinting, dash dancing, chase throw, slide dodging, dash braking and more!
For a full list of Dash / Dodge changes and mechanics take a look at this post. There are also a few videos you can check out.
Dash Animation & Sound
- Added new Dash fx animations.
- Added new sounds for Dash.
- Jump animations have been adjusted to better compliment new dash fx.
This week’s balance changes are centered around how each kit interacts with the others in light of the new mobility that Dash offers, as well as the updated dodge speed and duration. A number of attacks that did not yet have their speed bonuses and friction tuned for dash have been updated. We have also updated several attacks with larger Hit Windows to be better timed with the new dodge duration, as well as altering several kits that benefit greatly from dodge punishes. All Recovery attacks have also been updated to better fit with the new dodge distance and general off-stage play.
The Unarmed kit has received several adjustments as a kit that relies more on mobility, and therefore is served greatly by dashing. It’s fastest option, the Neutral Light, has traded some of its speed into the Side Light for approaching targets, while some of the more powerful tools in its kit have been reigned in some to account for the increased ease of use provided by dash mobility.
- Neutral Light: Increased Time to Hit from 3 to 4.
- Side Light: Decreased Time to Hit from 9 to 8
- Down Light: Decreased upward vertical reach; Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge.
- Recovery: Increased distance travelled; Increased Recover Time on miss from 5 Fixed 16 Variable to 5 Fixed 19 Variable.
- Ground Pound: Rehitboxed, resulting in tighter coverage above and behind the user; Decreased Force from 48 Fixed/50 Variable to 48 Fixed/48 Variable.
- Neutral Heavy: Tightened coverage towards the rear of the user; Decreased Hit Window from 7 to 6; Decreased Recover time from 7 Fixed/16 Variable to 4 Fixed/16 Variable.
As a kit that already affords a great deal towards freedom of movement, some of the Sword’s already powerful options have been altered for more meaningful attack selection. In pulling some power away from the Down Air, the Ground Pound will see its role as the strong downward attack become more prominent.
- Neutral Light: Slightly decreased horizontal range; Decreased Stun from 22 to 21.
- Side Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge; Decreased hitbox height on the first three active frames.
- Down Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge; Decreased upper vertical range.
- Side Air: Decreased Hit Window of second swing from 4 to 3; Decreased Stun from 23 to 22; Decreased vertical coverage.
- Down Air: Decreased lower vertical range; All active frames in Hit Window are now identical at the values of the later frames, i.e. 16 Damage and Force of 52 Fixed/32 Variable.
- Recovery: Decreased Active Frames from 25 to 19, resulting in decreased distance travelled.
- Ground Pound: Increased Force from 50 Fixed/40 Variable to 50 Fixed/44 Variable.
Similar to the Sword, the Hammer sees some changes to better focus its differences between attacks. The Side Air now has a tighter directional threat, while some of the upward attack power has been shifted from the Recovery into the Neutral Air, given the Recovery’s utility and gain of positional advantage.
- Neutral Light: Reduced hitbox height.
- Side Light: Increased Time to Hit from 12 to 13; Added a hop to raise hitbox height; Slightly increased distance traveled.
- Down Light: Slows momentum starting at the first active frame, should make follow up hits easier when used at high speed.
- Neutral Air: Decreased Time to Hit from 17 to 16.
- Hammer Side Air: Decreased upper and lower vertical range.
- Recovery: Increased distance travelled; Reduced Active Frames from 5 to 4; Increased Recover Time on miss from 3 Fixed 19 Variable to 3 Fixed 22 Variable; Decreased Force from 48 Fixed/36 Variable to 45 Fixed/33 Variable.
The Blasters have received several quality of life improvements in the form of shorter overall attack durations. Some of this time has been cut from active frames, while others have been cut from the timing between blasts. This newfound speed will help the Blasters keep up with other kits that attempt to dash in on them, although it comes at the price of less overall damage.
- Neutral Light: Decreased time between the first two shots from 16 to 15; Decreased time between second and third shot from 19 to 17; Decreased Damage from 19 to 17.
- Side Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge.
- Down Light: Decreased Hit Window of first two shots from 5 to 4; Decreased time between second and third shot from 7 to 6; Decreased Damage from 22 to 18.
- Side Air: Decreased Hit Window from 10 to 8; Slightly Decreased vertical range, resulting in a regular dash jump Side Air no longer hitting targets standing on the ground.
- Recovery: Increased Time to Hit from 9 to 11, and Decreased time between penultimate hit and the final shot from 11 to 9, resulting in decreased distance travelled; Recover Time on hit changed from 0 Fixed/18 Variable to 0 Fixed/17 Variable; Recover Time on miss changed from 0 Fixed/18 Variable to 0 Fixed/19 Variable.
Several of the Spear’s lengthier attacks, or ones that covered a great deal of area when coupled with a dash or dash jump, have been reigned in to better suit the new dodge duration. The Spear remains a versatile weapon that has an excellent anti-air in the form of the Down Light, that is perfect for catching opponents who approach with a dash jump, or for catching aerial opponent’s with a dash of your own.
- Neutral Light: Increased Time to Hit from 5 to 6; Slightly reduced hitbox height.
- Side Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge; Decreased hitbox height and slightly increased hitbox width on the first swing; Stun Time reduced from 20 to 19.
- Down Light: Decreased Time to Hit from 11 to 10; Decreased Stun from 26 to 25.
- Neutral Air: Decreased Hit Window from 10 to 8; Increased Recover Time from 7 Fixed/17 Variable to 8 Fixed/17 Variable.
- Down Air: Decreased Hit Window from 5 to 4; Decreased Stun from 12 to 11.
- Recovery: Increased distance travelled; Reduced Active Frames from 22 to 16; Increased Recover Time on miss from 1 Fixed 23 Variable to 1 Fixed 27 Variable.
Rocket Lance
Several attacks on the Rocket Lance kit have had their Hit Windows reduced to better fit with the new dodge duration, although the Recovery will now cover a slightly greater distance, even without charging it.
- Side Light: Decreased Hit Window from 11 to 8.
- Neutral Air: Decreased coverage near the user; Slightly increased coverage towards the outside of the attack.
- Side Air: Decreased Hit Window from 10 to 8.
- Down Air: Decreased Hit Window from 13 to 10.
- Recovery: Increased distance travelled; Increased Recover Time on miss from 2 Fixed 17 Variable to 2 Fixed 19 Variable.
Most of the changes surrounding Katars involve how they interact with dash jump heights and approaches, as their versatile moveset holds a number of potential uses for both approaching with a dash jump, as well as several ways to defend from an opponent’s dash or dash jump approach. These abilities have been reigned in slightly to allow for more even counterplay across the other weapons.
- Neutral Light: Decreased hitbox width.
- Side Air: Slightly Decreased lower vertical reach during the later frames, resulting in a normal dash jump Side Air no longer hitting opponents standing on the ground.
- Recovery: Increased distance travelled; Reduced Active Frames from 21 to 17; Increased Recover Time on miss from 1 Fixed 16 Variable to 1 Fixed 18 Variable.
The Bow has a great deal of reach and a fair amount of movement built into its kit, which is all augmented by the instant acceleration afforded by dashing. Some strings have had their dodge windows widened to fall in line with the increased ease of use this quick mobility provides.
- Side Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge.
- Down Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge.
- Down Air: Increased Time to Hit from 13 to 14; Increased Stun of far version from 17 to 19; Decreased Stun of close version from 21 to 18.
- Recovery: Increased distance travelled; Increased Recover Time on miss from 1 Fixed 19 Variable to 1 Fixed 21 Variable.
With all the new avenues of approach and movement, the Axe kit was decidedly lacking in different attack options. Many of its attacks had overlapping areas of threat, so we have shaped each ground attack to serve a clearer role. This has resulted in a shallower Neutral Light, a farther reaching Side Light, in order to differentiate them from the Down Light anti-air.
- Neutral Light: Decreased hitbox height and slightly increased hitbox width on the first swing; Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge.
- Side Light: Increased Time to Hit from 12 to 13; Increased distance traveled.
- Down Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge.
- Recovery: Increased distance travelled; Increased Recover Time on miss from 2 Fixed 14 Variable to 2 Fixed 16 Variable.
As a moderately mobile kit to begin with, the Gauntlets have seen a considerable boost in utility as dashing enters Brawlhalla. We have adjusted the speed bonuses granted by dashing and chase dodging to be in line with other comparable options among the other kits, especially considering the formidable span of ground that the Down Light and Side Light can command.
- Neutral Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge.
- Side Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge; Increased Recover time on miss from 3 Fixed/20 Variable to 4 Fixed/20 Variable; Decreased Stun from a range of 24~20 to a range of 23~19.
- Down Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge.
- Side Air: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge; Decreased Hit Window from 10 to 8.
- Recovery: Increased distance travelled; Increased Recover Time on miss from 7 Fixed 10 Variable to 7 Fixed 12 Variable.
Since the Scythe can capitalize on poorly timed dodges with terrifying strings of attacks, the new dodge durations have a large impact on the strength of this weapon. We have widened some dodge windows and adjusted the speed bonuses gained from dashing to bring the Scythe’s strength in line with most other weapons.
- Neutral Light: Increased Recover time on miss from 3 Fixed/19 Variable to 3 Fixed/21 Variable.
- Side Light: Decreased speed bonus from a dash/chase dodge; Decreased Hit Window from 10 to 9.
- Down Light: Increased Time to Hit from 10 to 11; Slightly reduced hitbox width; Hitbox height decreases after the first three active frames; Decreased Stun of the soft version from 28 to 26.
- Side Air: Decreased Stun from 22 to 20.
- Down Air: Increased Recover time on miss from 1 Fixed/24 Variable to 2 Fixed/24 Variable; Decreased Force of the aerial release from 58 Fixed/33 Variable to 52 Fixed/30 Variable.
- Recovery: Increased distance travelled; Reduced Active Frames from 13 to 9; Increased Recover Time on miss from 0 Fixed 22 Variable to 0 Fixed 24 Variable.
The following Signatures have all received adjustments to their speed bonuses gained when performed from a dash or chase dodge. They have been brought in line with other comparable Signature attacks.
- Bodvar Neutral Hammer
- Bodvar Neutral Sword
- Orion Neutral Spear
- Queen Nai Neutral Katars
- Queen Nai Down Katars
- Queen Nai Side Spear
- Hattori Neutral Spear
- Hattori Neutral Sword
- Hattori Side Sword
- Sir Roland Side Lance
- Sir Roland Down Lance
- Thatch Side Sword
- Thatch Down Sword
- Thatch Down Blasters
- Sentinel Side Katars
- Sentinel Neutral Hammer
- Sentinel Side Hammer
- Teros Down Hammer
- Teros Side Hammer
- Teros Neutral Axe
- Asuri Neutral Sword
- Asuri Side Katars
- Asuri Neutral Katars
- Barraza Neutral Blasters
- Diana Down Blasters
- Diana Side Bow
- Jhala Side Sword
- Jhala Side Axe
- Jhala Down Axe
- Wu Shang Side Gauntlets
- Wu Shang Down Gauntlets
- Val Side Sword
- Val Down Sword
- Val Side Gauntlets
- Ragnir Neutral Axe
- Ragnir Down Axe
- Cross Side Blasters
- Nix Down Blasters
- Nix Side Blasters
- Mordex Side Gauntlets
- Mordex Down Gauntlets
- Yumiko Side Bow
- Artemis Side Lance
Training Room
- What was called “Mirror” control mode is now called “Mimic”.
- There’s now a new “Mirror” Control Mode, similar to “Mimic” except the Left/Right inputs are inverted.
- Choose Mimic if you want the training dummy to match your every move.
- Choose Mirror if you want the training dummy to run towards you when you run towards it.
New Legend Rotation
This week’s Legend Rotation features Orion, Hattori, Ember, Koji, Kor, and Nix.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where being interrupted after ending Dodge on a wall could reset Dodge cooldown. (Credit: Diakou)
- Fixed a layering issue in the slow clap animation (credit: lilNebula)
- Fixed some cases where the Dash anim would fail to interrupt other animations. (Credit: iLLu, Fatul)
- Fixed a bug where low speed characters would slide significantly farther after a Dash. (Credit Luxcifer)
- Fixed a bug that allowed Chase Dodges to face backward after turning.
- Fix bug with Bodvar’s beard on his Draugr skin.