Brawlhalla Patch 3.28
Welcome to Patch 3.28! It’s Back to School in Brawlhalla, and we are celebrating the new school year with new Skins and a Color Scheme. Dress your Legends up in their Home Team Colors, sporting red, black and gold colors! The Forbidden Chest has arrived and can be found in Mallhalla with three new exclusive Skins. Additionally, we’ve changed this week’s BotW to “3v3 Skirmish!” – queue solo or as a team for some 3v3 brawlin’ action! We also have done improvements to animation, Twitch linking, bug fixes, and controller improvements. Lastly, this Season ends September 12th!
Season Ends Sept. 12th!
Back to School!
- Detention Ada – “Being bad feels pretty good, huh?”
- Greased Lightning Koji – “He’s got the chops!”
- First Day Asuri – “Don’t forget your bus number!”
- Kindergarten Kaya – “Missed the bus? Take a mammoth instead.”
- Gridiron Xull – “The best offense is more offense.”
- Avatar – Brawlhalla 101
- Avatar – Oodles of Doodles
- Home Team Colors – Show off your school pride with these black, red, and gold colors.
- Back to School bonus +250 Gold per login! Please remember that protecting your lunch money is up to you and your clan.
- Check out the Back to School Event!
- Home Team Colors
- Exclusive Skins for Ada, Koji, and Asuri
- Introducing new Skins for Kaya and Xull
- Back to School Avatars
- The Forbidden Chest arises with exclusive Skins for Bödvar, Brynn, and Cross.
- Updated sale items!
Brawl of the Week – 3v3 Skirmish!
Queue solo or as a team for some 3v3 brawlin’ action! No team damage, no ladder anxiety, just relax and enjoy Brawlhalla in teams. First team to KO each opponent 3 times wins!
- Team 3v3 with Stocks
- Each player has 3 Stocks
- Queue alone or with friends!
- Last team standing wins!
- Updated Cassidy’s Signature animations to have facial expression variety.
- Removed the angry expression from Axe’s platform animations to showcase the character’s personalities better and to highlight the expression.
- Optimized the swoosh for Axe’s neutral light to fix performance issues.
- On the Unarmed’s animations, removed some cases where Skins with animated headpieces would play their falling animation, while the character could travel upward.
- Fixed a pop that would happen during the “Don’t Leave Me Hangin’” Taunt animation on the mammoth Sidekicks’ arms.
- PC players using Nintendo controllers with a diamond face (i.e., not GameCube controllers) will now see the Switch Pro Controller icon in the customize controls screen and Switch Pro Controller icons in the UI.
- When showing keyboard hotkeys in the UI, prompts will now show the secondary keybind if the primary key is unbound.
- If a player’s controller or keyboard (on Steam with the “-multikeyboard” launch option or on PS4) disconnects while playing an offline game mode, the game will now automatically pause.
Twitch Linking
- (PC Only) Twitch account linking UI now visually supports a proper disconnected state.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the “GG” and “Inspect” buttons wouldn’t show up after an online game, if you had played an offline game previously in the same session.
PS4 Bug Fixes
- Fixed a rare crash on PS4 that could occur when a player used a keyboard without also having a controller bound to that same user.
- Fixed a bug where the PS4 store would run out of textures when doing heavy browsing.
Legend Rotation
This week’s Legend rotation is: Yumiko, Thatch, Caspian, Artemis, Xull, and Queen Nai.
- Yumiko – Holding the appearance of a blind seamstress, this centuries old fox spirit has been brought into battle wielding her Magical Hammer and Bow!
- Thatch – The tournament is a paradise of chaos and fire for this Madman of the Barbados as he uses Sword and Blasters.
- Caspian – Led by his showmanship and thirst for danger, he has come to Valhalla armed with Katars and Gauntlets to put on a show!
- Artemis – Transversing the universe in search of her rival Orion, Artemis has ripped open a wormhole into Valhalla, armed with a Rocket Lance and Scythe; she is ready to fight!
- Xull – With legendary physical strength, this Axe and Cannon wielding Orc Warlord is ready to challenge everyone and everything in Valhalla!
- Queen Nai – With each victory nourishing the gods of her people, Queen Nai has come wielding Katars, Spear, and her powerful sorcery.