Brawlhalla Community Art Showcase #67

Brawlhalla Community Art Showcase #67

Welcome to the 67th Community Art Showcase! Halloween just passed so we’re excited to see some Brawlhalloween art in today’s Community Art Showcase. As always, thank you for continuing to create amazing community art and for sharing it online! TZVVDY-BZS9KY

Community Art

First up is an awesome pixel art of Hattori’s splash art by Pedro.

Look at this Halloween-themed gathering. Can you guess everyone’s costume?
A nice Autumn background for Koji by LudovicLoureiro.
This is an adorable Caspian by Pyrite. 3WG6GT-9J6KBH

Ikke made a terrifying Raymesis. 4GDE3X-QMQTG4
An adorable Punkin Spice Yumiko pixel art by Mert.
Prima did a doodle of his favorite Dusk Skin.

Ponyrlucy made an awesome art of Caspian and Lucien to celebrate the holidays.
What an amazing Nix piece by Cyanpetra. QJ8H8S-HWPSVQ

Special Dev Picks

DYVQEF-2Y85BP :heart:

Ulgrim- Request Below!
by u/Orstina in Brawlhalla

Z1S4MF-DGYYM8 :muscle:

Zariel Doodle
by u/Orstina in Brawlhalla

Look at this edgy boi.

Newborn Ragnir Fanart
by u/LemonEmpress in Brawlhalla

This makes me think we should do a Hatchling Ragnir a la Lil Yumiko.


JETVC9-BTEX9V :fire:

74ZH59-FYKM8J :metal:

Here’s my crossplay swing of Battle Mage Fait!
by u/dizdazcosplaysalot in Brawlhalla



Friend, who does woodwork, made this for me
by u/Pian0vania in Brawlhalla

best scythe
so cute!!!

Made a Kor doodle jack o lantern, I feel accomplished.
by in Brawlhalla

Y0M2GN-PDY30P :jack_o_lantern:

Community Color Codes!

Thanks for checking out the 67th Community Art Showcase. If you find something you like and want to share it with us, use the #BrawlhallaArt or tag us @Brawlhalla. If you’re looking for the CC’s then you’ll have to look throughout the post, but here’s one for looking through everything first! F9RTFM-BH61Z8

Legend splash