Brawlhalla Community Art Showcase #62

Brawlhalla Community Art Showcase #62

Howdy folks, and welcome to the 62nd Community Art Showcase! I’ve gathered up some more art since the last time and grabbed a few special dev picks. As always, thank you for continuing to create amazing community art and for sharing it with us online! 1B49VC-RDNE2M

Community Art


Tataia showing off her art skills with this commission of Queen Beat Sidra. E50WSH-RZRZPA

Ember looks so calm and peaceful in this. 3CEC9M-BT1J35

Oh no, they’ll have to take their clothes to a tailor and get themselves fixed right up.

An adorable artwork of Diana pouncing on Mordex. JNDYD3-1P1890

PJ Hattori is so adorable!

Check out this stunning artwork of Apocalypse Mirage by Mugi

Aww is Lin Fei embarassed? DRWAE3-YY34A9

Source Code Petra’s reading that binary like a book. JHP4TA-VA27BV

I love this color scheme.

Glad to see Val gets some peace and quiet from time to time. WJ1JJG-E41P57

Amazing to see the progress from a year ago!

What a grin from our boy Caspian. SPYM5P-8SBY9Z

Kuro killing it with a Dunewalker Mordex artwork.

I have such a soft spot for Lil Yumiko.

Lynx Asuri!

Nevianna took the original concept art for Ragnir and combined it with the in game Ragnir, very cool. DGP1HJ-DFBKM2

BurriDraws did a great job with this Ada piece.

I really like the color composition in this Petra piece by Rin. 2TBNTF-YV1R35

Thank you Roscass for this Artemis fanart. P6RZBV-ZWDQ5V

Really cool concept and execution on this artemis piece by JeanR. THXYQ2-FQVHPG

Hahaha the blep tongue! MR2D5X-1GXEN6

I really love the posing of this Kor! 0YDP0X-CQY1QV

Special Dev Picks


Brawldad Isaiah is everyone’s dad this summer. DJZ0T2-22WJYD

:hearts: MYRFAQ-YA0JJJ

CC’s for you!

That’ll close out the 62nd Community Art Showcase! Keep spreading the amazing art, and keep sharing it with us. If you see or post community art, tag us @brawlhalla or add the #BrawlhallaArt so we can find it and share it with everyone else! Oh, and if you’re looking for the CC’s we’ve hidden them throughout the post, did you find them all? R71NW3-ES1WHE

Legend splash