Become a Valhallan in Ranked Season 26!
Get ready to test your strength in the most competitive Ranked Season yet. Introducing the new rank: Valhallan! Players will showdown to prove their mastery in the Grand Tournament, and only the top players in each region will be granted this ultimate rank and its exclusive spoils. Prove you’re one of Odin’s mightiest warriors!
Last week we added placement matches for players beginning their ranked climb. Players will have the opportunity to play 10 placement matches to better determine their skill level and starting Elo.
For players new to seasons, we’ve provided a rundown on what you need to know so you can jump right into battle and fight your way to the top. Check out our breakdown on Ranked Tiers and the Elo reset below.
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Valhallan is a brand new rank above Diamond. The Valhallan rank is distinctly different from the other tiers; how you become Valhallan, the rewards you earn, and how you fall out of it all work in brand new ways compared to the other ranks in Brawlhalla.
How to Reach the Valhallan Rank
To become Valhallan, players must be ranked in Diamond, have at least 100 wins during the ranked season, and attain a rating among the top players in their region.
Each region has a limited number of Valhallan positions:
- US-E / EU – Top 150
- BRZ – Top 100
- SEA / US-W – Top 50
- AUS / JPN – Top 25
These numbers are based on each region’s population and will be considered for adjustment on a seasonal basis.
Unique Valhallan Rewards
After ranking up, players will immediately receive the Valhallan Avatar, Loading Frame, and Season Title Reward.
Valhallan Loading Frame:
- Unlike other ranked Loading Frames, the Valhallan Loading Frame can only be used while the player is currently in the Valhallan rank. Players are granted it immediately upon achieving Valhallan and if they are pushed out of Valhallan rank, the Loading Frame will be revoked when the daily reset occurs (9am UTC/5am EDT/2am PDT).
Valhallan Title Reward:
- Players are awarded a Title immediately upon achieving Valhallan. Each season will have a unique Valhallan Title Reward. The Title is never revoked, regardless of rank.
Valhallan Avatar:
- Instead of an Avatar that upgrades at the end of each season, the Valhallan Avatar is awarded immediately upon achieving Valhallan.
- The Valhallan Avatar has two states: active and inactive. The active Avatar is rewarded immediately upon achieving the Valhallan rank, but can be downgraded to the inactive “Fallen” state if players fall out of Valhallan rank when the daily reset occurs.
- To reactivate the Avatar, players need to reach the Valhallan rank again. Players will retain ownership of the Avatar between seasons, but it will be in the “Fallen” state at the start of every season.
Season 26 – Rewards and Soft Elo reset!
For players who are new to Seasons: At the beginning of every new season you’ll have a soft Elo reset, your placement matches will be reset, and you’ll receive Glory – the currency you earn by playing Ranked. You can use Glory in the Ranked section of Malhalla to get special Colors, Weapon Skins, Emotes, and UI Themes to show off your ranked experience. We hope you enjoy your rewards and the New Season!
New Placement Matches & Elo Calculation Updates
New for Season 26, players beginning their Ranked climb now have 10 placement matches to better determine their skill level and starting Elo.
- Each season, for Ranked 1v1 and Ranked 2v2, your first 10 matches will serve as placement matches that will have a greater effect on your rating than normal games. Your rating will be hidden until after you have completed your placement matches for that queue.
- After a ranked season reset, players will still have their Elo undergo a soft reset as usual.
Starting with Season 26 we are adjusting how Elo gains and losses are made in the upper extremes of rating.
- These changes will only occur for players above 2400 Elo rating.
- Based on simulations of this tuning for our rating system, we expect it to result in player rankings (leaderboard order) which are more closely tied to underlying skill levels.
We hope this change will make this new season more exciting, and will help our matchmaking system to arrive at fairer matches earlier in the season.
Soft Elo Reset Formula
Soft Elo Reset is based on your current Elo at the end of the season.
1v1 and 2v2 Personal Rating
- Under 1400: New Elo = Old Elo
- Over 1400: New Elo = 1400 + (Old Elo – 1400) / (3 – (3000 – Old Elo) / 800)
- 2v2 Team and Legend Rating
2v2 Team & Legend Ratings have been brought closer to 750.
- Under 2000: Elo = (Elo + 375) / 1.5
- Over 2000, we aggressively brought you back down as a way of resetting the top tiers.
Glory Earnings Calculation
Glory earned is based on a combination of your Highest Peak Rating (highest 1v1, 2v2, team, or Legend rating/Elo) and total Wins. This was designed in order to reward both skill and dedication for those who pursue Glory.
You gain 20 Glory per win up to 150 wins, which gets you 3000 Glory. After 150 wins, each subsequent win gives you slightly less.
Note: There is a minimum requirement of 10 games played to be eligible for Glory based on your rating. For help estimating your Glory Gained or New Elo after the reset go to: brawlhalla.com/glory-calculator/
Ranked Borders from Season 25
If you placed Gold, Platinum, or Diamond at any point in the season, you are given a ranked border based on your highest rank that other players can see in the match preview screen. These will last for one season and will be updated again after the new season comes to a close.
Your border from any previous season does not carry over or have any impact on your current border reward.
Ranked Avatars from Season 25
Ranked Avatars include prestigious versions for those who’ve placed in high ranks during previous seasons. For example, if you placed in Platinum last season and Gold this season, you’ll receive the upgraded versions of the Competitor’s Badge and Gold Emblem. You will still have your original Platinum Emblem avatar from previous seasons.
You must play a minimum of 10 games to receive ranked avatars / borders at ANY rank.
- Competitor’s Badge: Awarded to anyone who plays 10 Ranked Games or more.
- Gold Emblem: Awarded to players who finish at Gold or above.
- Platinum Emblem: Awarded to players who finish at Platinum or above.
- Diamond Emblem: Awarded to players who finish at Diamond.
- Upgraded versions of Ranked Avatars are awarded to those who have earned the same Avatar in any previous season.
For players who have reached the 5th Tier of an avatar by reaching a certain rank or higher for five total seasons: the 5th Tier of that avatar will stay in your inventory permanently! Congratulations on your achievements!
The 6th Tier Avatar, for those who have reached a certain rank or higher for six total seasons, will take on a brand new look! These avatars will grow more and more prestigious with each subsequent seasonal repeat up to Tier 10, at which point the Tier 10 avatar will remain in your inventory permanently.
In short, every 5 Tiers of Avatars, you’ll keep the most awesome, most decked out version permanently, and then start work on a new version for subsequent tiers for 6-10, 11-15, and so on.
Players can continue to earn Glory mid-season and earn exclusive Title Rewards. With every new season, the Seasonal Ranked Queue’s Elo will do a full reset.
New Ranked Game Mode – Street Brawl
Get ready to FIGHT in Street Brawl – featured in the Seasonal Ranked Queue! Choose your fighter and brawl in 1v1, 8-minute matches. Go for broke and knock out your opponents into oblivion!
Exclusive Ranked Rewards – Skyforged & Goldforged!
Beyond glory there is immortality! In Mallhalla, in the “Ranked” tab, players may spend their hard-earned Glory to purchase Skyforged Colors, Weapons, UI Theme, Emotes, and Sidekicks. Skyforged Colors are only usable on Legends that have reached level 5 or greater.
Players can also purchase Goldforged items, which require the purchase of the Skyforged version of the same item. Show your strength with these exclusive Ranked items!
We’ll also be adding new Skyforged & Goldforged Emojis to the Ranked Store in the next patch. Consider saving your Glory to be among the first to use these exclusive items!
Rejoin Akuma no Kogo Hattori in battle through her Demon Island realm. Return to Demon Island features an up-to-date Battle Pass track with 85 tiers!
Discover new rewards unlockable by playing Brawlhalla and completing updated missions. Plus, enjoy some exclusive rewards for those who were around for the original premiere of the Battle Pass.
This Battle Pass season features new rewards that were not available in the original release: Emojis, a UI Theme, a Greatsword Weapon Skin, and more, while also starring classics like Akuma no Kogo Hattori, Obake Petra Progression Skin, and many other demonic finds.
Battle Pass Classic: Return to Demon Island also features:
- A free track extending through all 12 weeks of the Battle Pass.
- A purchasable Gold Track with additional exclusive rewards like the Spirit Temple Progression Podium.
- Players that bought the Gold Track during the original run of Battle Season 1 do not need to purchase the Gold Track again.
- All players are granted access to all the Weekly Missions!
- For all the completionists, a new Title Reward awaits you if you make it through all 85 tiers, and a new Avatar if you also complete all the missions!
Battle Pass Classic Rewards
Return to Demon Island includes new rewards and classics in this updated track. Progression is saved for players that participated in the original run of Battle Pass Season 1.
All players are automatically granted access to a Battle Pass track to unlock more unique Colors, a new Title reward, Avatars, Emotes, Emojis, a Sidekick, and a Weapon Skin.
Players can also unlock the Gold track to immediately unlock some exclusive items, like the Progression Skin and Podium.
- Unlocking the Gold track grants access to a tremendous amount of additional exclusive items and also contains boosters to unlock rewards even faster.
- Gold track rewards include the Obake Petra Progression Skin, Akuma no Kogo Hattori Epic Skin, Blue Oni Sidekick, Mammoth Coins, and so much more.
A unique Title Reward awaits those who first participated in Battle Pass Season 1.
- “Oni Master”: for players who had completed the free track previously at Tier 46.
- “Deity of Demon Island”: for players who had purchased the Gold track previously.
- These Title Rewards will automatically be granted to players who meet these qualifications.
Players will automatically obtain all new content that has been added to tiers they have completed during the original premier.
Updated Missions for Battle Pass
Return to Demon Island comes with classic and refreshed missions to complete!
- All players are granted access to all the Weekly Missions!
- Daily, Weekly, and General missions are available throughout the season.
- Earn Battle Gems by completing missions to earn rewards!
- Battle Gems measure a player’s progress toward the next reward tier.
- Unlocking the Gold track will grant boosters for more Battle Gems and rewards.
Battle Pass Classic: Return to Demon Island features over 100 rewards with its updated track! Players can also use Mammoth Coins to increase progress along the track while the season is active. For more information about Battle Pass Classics, check out brawlhalla.com/battle-pass-classic-faq.
Protect your team’s flag while stealing the enemy team’s flag in this 3v3 game mode for control of Demon Island! Unite both flags at your base to score a point. Watch out! You’ll drop the enemy’s flag if you take damage. Players can return their own flag to their base by touching it. First team to 3 points wins!
- Capture the Flag Game Mode
- 3v3 Team
- Unite your flag with the enemy’s flag at your base to score points!
- First team to 3 points wins!
Demons and technology collide in the Cyber Oni Bundle! This pack – featuring Orion, the Mysterious Stranger – includes:
- Cyber Oni Orion Skin
- Orion Legend Unlock
- Enlightened Song Spear
- Dragon’s Breath Rocket Lance
This promotion is free to all Amazon Prime members. Claim your loot at brawlhalla.com/prime.
The free-to-play Legend rotation for this week includes: Zariel, Kaya, Rayman, Magyar, Jhala, Artemis, Sidra, Reno, & Lucien.
- Zariel – The Celestial, a warrior deity of Holy Justice, who abides in blessed Elysium. Zariel uses Gauntlets and Bow to take down both Demon hordes and any warrior participating in the Grand Tournament.
- Kaya – Using her bow, spear and spirit animals, she is ready to try her luck in the Grand Tournament!
- Rayman – The Champion of the Glade of Dreams, wielding his Gauntlets and Axe, has found his way into Valhalla on a mission to save his home.
- Magyar – As the last remaining member of the Batavian Strazci army and wielding the strength of a 100 elite knights, this spectral guardian has come for the glory of battle with their Greatsword and Hammer!
- Jhala – Given the title “Exalted Lion” by Apollo himself, Jhala “The Unbroken” takes the glamor of Valhalla in stride while having fun slaying her foes with Axe and Sword.
- Artemis – Transversing the universe in search of her rival Orion, Artemis has ripped open a wormhole into Valhalla, armed with a Rocket Lance and Scythe; she is ready to fight!
- Sidra – The Corsair Queen, known for her legendary and fearless raids, is prepared to fight with her Sword and Cannon!
- Reno – Four arms, compound eyes, fearlessness, and an added dose of genius make this Chitnoid Gunslinger the greatest bounty hunter this side of the Pecosid asteroid belt. He’ll take on any job with his trusty Blasters, and loyal Orb companion.
- Lucien – This mysterious highwayman is always scheming for gold, and now has come to Valhalla to take part in the tournament wielding Katars and Blasters!