Beat the Heat with Water Bomb Bash!
Water balloons are old news, this calls for something… Bigger. Break out the giant water bombs in this crazy 6 minute, 200% Damage, FFA showdown. Cool off from the heat in Water Bomb Bash featured as Brawl of the Week!
Heatwave 2022 scorches Valhalla for one more week! Sail the high seas with Vraxxy Jones, dive into the abyss with Deep Sea Lucien, and check out all the summer seasonal items by following the beach balls in Mallhalla.
The journey through the Fangwild continues in Battle Pass Season 6. Play new weekly missions including: Win matches without getting KO’d more than once and Get KO’s within the first 30 seconds of a match.
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!
Grab your sandals, beach chair, Spike Balls, and join the fun! Surf’s up as we celebrate the hottest event in Valhalla with new Skins, a new Podium, and many more summertime goodies available in Mallhalla for a limited time.
See the list below for all the Heatwave items:
Exclusive Seasonal Skins
Vraxxy Jones
- “He’ll stuff your Stocks in his locker”
- With a “Lobster Lance” & “Flint-Locker” Blasters, Lord Vraxx sets his sights of conquest on the seven seas!
Deep Sea Lucien
- “Bluuublublubb!”
- Lucien’s ready to pull his most daring heist yet. He’s diving into the Abyss armed with his “Anchor Shanks” and “ASM Blasters”.
- Featuring animated FX!
Riptide Petra
- “Surf’s up, Gauntlets out.”
- With “Wave Breaker” Gauntlets and her “Whitewater Gem” Orb, Petra hasn’t seen a high tide she couldn’t conquer.
Beachside Zariel
- “It was never this hot in Elysium.”
- Even angels learn to DJ! Zariel is no exception with their “Disc Beatdown” Gauntlets and “Coastline Pulse” Bow.
Thor by the Shore
- “Don’t forget the sunscreen!”
- Even the god of thunder takes days off! Thor lounges by the beach with his “Flamingo” Hammer and “Piña Collider” Orb.
Brawl Dad Isaiah
- “Grillin’ in the name of…”
- With his “Grilled Smoker” Cannon and “Ketchup & Mustard” Blasters, these burgers aren’t the only thing “well-done” at this barbeque.
Wipeout Nix
- “Sharks aren’t the most dangerous thing in the water anymore.”
- The deadly freelance reaper never takes a vacation from stealing souls. Watch out for her “Sharkbite” Scythe and “Signal Flares” Blasters.
Pool Party Diana
- “Ever seen a vampire at the pool? Didn’t think so.”
- Diana is ready for the water wars. Don’t mess with her or she’ll get you with her “Hydro-Bow” and “Splish Splash” Blasters.
Water Wars Cross
- “No lifeguard on duty.”
- Cross has made the beach a battle zone. Watch out for his state of the art water weapons including his “Aqua Blasters” and “H2-KO” Gauntlets.
Island Azoth
- “This summer is sure to sizzle to your bones.”
- The skeleton king of the islands protects his domain with a “Koa Wood Axe” and “Carved Precision” Bow.
Hotshot Vector
- “The Maverick has arrived.”
- Vector soars through the sunlit skies armed with his “Sidewinder” Rocket Lance and “Skybound” Bow.
Dog Days Mordex
- “Every dog has its day… at the beach!”
- Even on the hottest days of summer, Mordex is ready to brawl with his “Tropic Breeze” Scythe and “Coco-knuckles” Gauntlets.
Atlantean Orion
- “Fierce protector of deep sea mysteries.”
- Armed with “The Conch” Spear and “Speaker of the Sea” Rocket Lance, Orion will stop at nothing to defend his city.
Heatwave 2022 Podium
- “Celebrate the Summer Heatwave in the newest tiki tower style!”
- An animated Podium with new colors, sound fx, and tiki design!
“Heatwave” Colors
- Feel the summer fun with these bright blue, orange, and yellow colors.
- Available for every Legend with hard-earned Gold!
KO Effect
“Hot Lava” KO Effect
- “Melt your opponents with this hot KO!”
- An exclusive KO Effect for this event.
“Endless Heat Wave” Avatar
- An animated Avatar!
- “Catch a wave and cruise through the heat!”
“Ice Kor-eam” Avatar
- “You were expecting Rocky Road?”
- Purchasable with your hard-earned Gold!
Heatwave also features:
- New Title Reward: Heat Warrior
- Water balloons that replace snowballs!
- +250 bonus Gold per login!
- A summer fun UI Takeover with new main menu music.
- A summer themed Brawl of the Week called 3v3 Beachbrawl.
Enter the Fangwild and discover 85 tiers exclusive rewards. Unlock them by playing Brawlhalla and completing missions. All players are granted access to the Weekly Missions to unlock even more items! The Battle Pass season will last 12 weeks.
This Battle Pass season features new Skins for Dusk, Arcadia, and Scarlet, an animated Epic Skin for Ember, and a Progression Skin for Ragnir. Complete the progression missions to level up Ragnir and reach his final animated form.
Battle Pass Season 6 also features:
- A free track extending through all 12 weeks of the Battle Pass.
- A purchasable Gold Track with additional exclusive rewards like the new Fabled Overgrowth Progression Podium.
- All players are granted access to all the Weekly Missions!
- The first ever Battle Pass themed Emojis, including animated Emojis!
- Two new Maps that include the first ever animated backgrounds!
- For all the completionists, a special Avatar and Title Reward await you if you make it through all 85 tiers!
Players can unlock over 100 new rewards during the Fangwild Battle Pass season, so grab your favorite Legend and start brawling. Players can also use Mammoth Coins to increase progress along the track while the season is active. For more information, check out brawlhalla.com/battlepass.
Water balloons are old news, this 6 person Free-for-all calls for something… Bigger. Break out new giant water bombs in this crazy 200% damage showdown! Score 2 points for getting a KO, lose 1 for getting KO’d. Watch out for those bombs!
- 6 Player FFA
- 3 minutes
- 200% Damage
- Score the most points to win!
Let the Heart herself be your guide into the forest! The Grovewarden Bundle continues the Fangwild festivities. This pack is available for one more week, and includes:
- Grovewarden Ember Skin
- Ember Legend Unlock
- Drake Sidekick
This promotion is available to all Amazon Prime members. Claim your loot at brawlhalla.com/prime.
Lucien is coming out of the shadows. Claim the Dark of Night bundle starting on July 25th. This pack will include:
- Dark of Night Lucien
- Lucien Legend
- Mother of Pearl Blasters
- Darkheart Shredders (Katars)
- Golf Clap Emote
The free-to-play Legend rotation for this week includes: Hattori, Ragnir, Nix, Vector, Reno, Onyx, Azoth, Bödvar, and Mako.
- Hattori – A gifted ninja with unparalleled skill with the Sword and Spear has discovered Valhalla. Will she find any worthy challengers there?
- Ragnir – This apex predator, whose home is in the Fangwild, now ventures outward using his Katars and Axe to take on the rest of the Legends in Valhalla!
- Nix – Led by a thousand year hunt, this reaper, armed with both Blasters and Scythe, has found herself a new bounty in Valhalla.
- Vector – Transforming into a jet with his Rocket Lance and wielding his Bow to fight, Vector travels through time and space to battle crime!
- Reno – Four arms, compound eyes, fearlessness, and an added dose of genius make this Chitnoid Gunslinger the greatest bounty hunter this side of the Pecosid asteroid belt. He’ll take on any job with his trusty Blasters, and loyal Orb companion.
- Onyx – The powerful Guardian and Protector of Castle Batavia, Onyx has been offered a place in Valhalla and now defends it ruthlessly with her Cannon and Gauntlets.
- Azoth – Devoted acolytes bring this brilliant and ruthless lich lord to life as he comes into Valhalla to do battle with Bow and Axe.
- Bödvar – He is the Protector of the North and dreams of endless battle. Bödvar has broken down the doors to Valhalla himself and is ready to take down his foes with Sword and Hammer!
- Mako – The ultimate apex predator from The Sea, Mako, with her Greatsword and Katars, aims to make fish meat out of her opponents in the Grand Tournament.