AMC’s The Walking Dead battles in Brawlhalla! – Patch 4.08
Rick, Michonne, and Daryl from AMC’s The Walking Dead have arrived to battle walkers in Brawlhalla! This Epic Crossover event features three new Epic Crossovers featuring custom Signature effects, Weapon Skins, and more. The event also includes a new Walker Attack game mode, a new KO Effect, and Podium that will be staying in Brawlhalla after the event ends.
In addition, Mako’s price has been reduced to 5400 Gold in Mallhalla! We’ve also updated Test Features, made bug fixes, and more.
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord!
Walkers have risen in the Great Halls of Valhalla, and it’s up to Rick, Michonne, and Daryl to stop them in this new Epic Crossover Event! Rick Grimes, Michonne, and Daryl Dixon are new Epic Crossovers. Epic Crossovers feature custom Signature effects, custom lock-in animations, dedicated Roster spots, and two new Weapon Skins.
In Brawlhalla, Rick, Michonne, and Daryl mirror the abilities of Barraza, Koji, and Ember, respectively, and will be staying in Mallhalla after the event ends. The Walking Dead © 2020 AMC Film Holdings LLC. All rights reserved.
Rick Epic Crossover – “It’s all about survival now.”
- Armed with his Hatchet and Revolvers, Rick Grimes is here to show everyone what needs to be done to survive.
Michonne Epic Crossover – “Nice never got me anywhere. But smart did.”
- Michonne, the expert swordswoman, is ready to fight – and she’ll do whatever it takes to win.
Daryl Epic Crossover – “Today’s your lucky day, fellas.”
- Daryl Dixon has brought his motorcycle, his crossbow, and a few other weapons to come out on top!
KO Effect
Walker’s Grasp
- “There’s nowhere to run!”
- Pummel your opponents into a slew of walker hands and debris with this new KO Effect!
Days Gone Bye
- “We can’t hold them!”
- Have your Legend stand on top to fend off the walker horde. This animated Podium features grasping walker hands, a heavy machine gun, and lock-in sound effects!
The Walking Dead Epic Crossover event also includes:
- A new The Walking Dead themed Game Mode and Brawl of the Week – Walker Attack!
- Daily login bonus of 250 Gold to celebrate this Epic Crossover event.
- A new The Walking Dead themed UI Takeover!
Survive the walkers onslaught! Battle through loads of walker opponents that get harder and smarter as time passes. Beware, the longer you fight the more walkers appear! Earn points by scoring KOs. Survive as long as you can to win the most points!
- 3 Stocks
- Walkers increase in difficulty and in number as time passes.
- Survive as long as you can!
- Player with the most points wins!
Brawlhalla’s second Battle Pass grooves into its fourth week of missions. This second season features 85 tiers of new exclusive rewards unlockable by playing Brawlhalla and completing missions. The Battle Pass season will last 12 weeks.
This Battle Pass also features:
- A new feature to allow players to select which level of the Progression Skin and Podium to equip!
- New Daily, Weekly, and General missions throughout the season.
- New main menu, character select, and post-game theme music matching the flair of the Synthwave era.
- A newly themed Synthwave Kung Foot!
- A new Free-for-All map called Sun Drive City.
- A separate Battle Pass tab for easy access when navigating the main menu.
Players can unlock over 100 rewards during the Battle Pass season, so grab your favorite Legend and start brawling. Players can also use Mammoth Coins to increase progress along the track while the season is active. For more information, check out brawlhalla.com/battlepass.
For a limited time, we are introducing the Solidarity Emote for Charity. All proceeds from this Emote will be donated to Campaign Zero. To find out more information about this non-profit organization, check out www.joincampaignzero.org.
Follow the sheriff badge to locate all of The Walking Dead items.
Mako’s price has been reduced to 5400 Gold!
Solidarity Emote
- Limited time Emote for charity! All proceeds will go to Campaign Zero.
Looking for a certain chest? We’re rapidly rotating through chests, so check out the in-game timer to know when the next chest will rotate.
- Find the new Sales items!
We’ve made a slight adjustment to the Throw Clashes Test Feature.
- In the case where a player would gain protection from a thrown Weapon or Gadget on the same frame they would be hit by it, the Weapon/Gadget should now pass through them harmlessly while remaining active.
- This also fixes a bug where thrown bombs and mines would disappear in this case.
Please let us know how this new adjustment feels. More information can be found at brawlhalla.com/test-features.
- Adjusted the views of the angled Bow to fit better on Daryl’s crossbow. Also we adjusted the Bow to fit better with other Legends and their character selects.
- Players who enter the Free-for-All queue with a Guest, whether local or remote, no longer get credit toward Missions that require Wins.
- Koji Down Bow: Fixed a timing bug for the final arrow shot effects.
- Barraza Side Axe: Normalized custom hurtboxing during the charge.
- Fixed a visual bug where Barraza’s charge effects were missing for one frame on full charge of the Down Axe.
The new free-to-play Legend rotation for this week includes: Val, Mordex, Teros, Cassidy, Sir Roland, Queen Nai, Ember, Barraza, and Kaya.
- Val – An android assassin with terrifying strength and quicker-than-light cognition, Val is a force to be reckoned with when utilizing her Sword and Gauntlets.
- Mordex – Wielding Gauntlets and Scythe, this lycanthrope steps into battle!
- Teros – This Minotaur is indifferent to the rules or intent of the Tournament, and instead, takes savage joy in all the battles while crushing his opponents with Axe and Grappling Hammer.
- Cassidy – The Marshal of the Old West is ready to instill justice into Valhalla with both Hammer and Blasters!
- Sir Roland – No one in Valhalla feels a greater thirst for victory in the tournament than Sir Roland, as he strikes down his opponents with Rocket Lance and Sword.
- Queen Nai – With each victory nourishing the gods of her people, Queen Nai has come wielding Katars, Spear, and her powerful sorcery.
- Ember – This quick and dexterous elf does battle in Valhalla with Bow, Katars and her two companions: a wolf named Ash and her raven named Yarra.
- Barraza – A feared man in the wastelands with his Blasters and Axe, Barraza is the ultimate survivor and will do what it takes to be at the top in Valhalla.
- Kaya – Using her bow, spear and spirit animals, she is ready to try her luck in the Grand Tournament!