A Radiant Dancer is Arriving in Valhalla!
Just 1 week until Priya, the Radiant Blade, arrives in Brawlhalla and introduces the brand new Weapon –Chakram! Ulgrim has been working tirelessly on Chakram and there is nobody he’d rather see wield it than Priya.
Slather some butter on your breakfast and get to earning Influence for your Faction because there is only one week left in this Waffles vs Pancakes Skirmish!
Congrats to Brawlball tourney winners from all three regions! North America was dominated by Hokage9546, Steady and Sk. South America’s top of the stack was MAK, SAC, and Reaper-_-Black. Europe was subdued by Klein, el~, and BonoBo. Well played Brawlers 😤
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitch, TikTok, Discord, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!
By now you should have already chosen a Faction. If you haven’t, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!? GO PICK A FACTION RIGHT NOW!
Choose your Faction, Team Waffles or Team Pancakes, and gear yourselves to brawl for your choice of syrup delivery system!
- Choose your Faction based on your personal preference. There is no wrong choice!
- Factions compete against each other by playing online matchmaking games.
- When you play any Game Mode online, you earn Influence for your Faction.
- The Faction with the most Influence when the Skirmish ends is the winner.
- Special “Skirmish Battles” take place when you get matched with a member of the opposing Faction in Ranked. A random Influence multiplier is applied to a Skirmish Battle, which can be seen on the loading screen before the match.
- Some rewards are granted when you choose your Faction, and extra rewards are granted when the Skirmish ends.
- Faction Title awarded based on your total personal contribution to your Faction at the end of the Skirmish.
- Adept – 5,000 Influence
- Hero – 30,000 Influence
- Legend – 100,000 Influence
- Faction Title awarded based on your total personal contribution to your Faction at the end of the Skirmish.
- Each member of the winning Faction will earn an animated version of their Faction’s Avatar. Additionally, any Titles that have been earned from your personal contribution to your Faction’s Influence will be yellow.
- Titles that have been earned by members of the losing Faction will be white.
- You can check the status of the ongoing Skirmish, including when the Skirmish ends, in the notifications tab of the Player Menu.
Who is the platform king? 4 Players face off on a map with 6 platforms. Stay on the red platform to score points. Stun your opponents to keep them from scoring. Watch out, the platform switches around the map! The Player with the most points at the end of 2 minutes wins!
- 4 Player FFA
- 2 minutes
- Stay on the platform to gain points
- Most points at the end wins!
The free-to-play Legend rotation for this week features: Kor, Hattori, Cassidy, Orion, Xull, Azoth, Fait, Red Raptor, and Mako!
- Kor – Blackguard Keep’s left platform mover takes his place in the arena wielding both Gauntlets and Hammer.
- Hattori – A gifted ninja with unparalleled skill with the Sword and Spear has discovered Valhalla. Will she find any worthy challengers there?
- Cassidy – The Marshal of the Old West is ready to instill justice into Valhalla with both Hammer and Blasters!
- Orion – A revered warrior and champion, the mysterious armored knight uses Rocket Lance and Spear to battle his foes in the halls of Valhalla!
- Xull – With legendary physical strength, this Axe and Cannon wielding Orc Warlord is ready to challenge everyone and everything in Valhalla!
- Azoth – Devoted acolytes bring this brilliant and ruthless lich lord to life again (and again) in Valhalla to do battle with Bow and Axe.
- Fait – Speaking to the stars and using glimpses of the future, Fait battles for good with her Scythe and Orb!
- Red Raptor – Armed with Garuda’s Core Orb and Squadron Strikers Battle Boots, The Last Sentai fights in the Grand Tournament, but hopes for a chance to save the souls of his lost teammates.
- Mako – The ultimate apex predator from The Sea, Mako, with her Greatsword and Katars, aims to make fish meat out of her opponents in the Grand Tournament.