2.8 Patch Notes
Happy Valhallentine’s!
Three new Legend Skins, Lovestruck Colors, and a Bow Skin have been added to the store.
- Classy Roland
- Date Night Nai
- Eternal Love Brynn
- Cupid’s Bow
- New “Lovestruck” Color scheme is available for purchase with gold in the store
- Valhallentine’s Day login bonus adds 250 gold to each daily login bonus
Koji Update
- Koji’s Gold Cost has been reduced to 5400 gold.
- Koji’s Lore has been added.
New Legend Rotation
Weapons: Blasters & Spear
Stats: 6/7/3/6
Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Ada
Weapons: Axe & Blasters
Stats: 6/4/8/4
Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Barraza
Weapons: Sword & Hammer
Stats: 6/6/5/5
Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Bodvar
Weapons: Axe & Spear
Stats: 5/5/5/7
Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Brynn
Weapons: Katars & Blasters
Stats: 3/5/6/8
Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Lucien
Weapons: Rocket Lance & Hammer
Stats: 8/5/5/4
Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Scarlet
Public Games List
- Players can create public custom games for everyone to see.
- You can browse a list of games to find any game mode you like.
- Filters and advanced features coming soon!
- An Invite system has been added to the game. While in a group, you can invite to your party anyone via your friend’s list. If you are not the party leader, this option changes to “suggest” and the leader will be notified to invite that person.
- If you receive an invite, a notice will show up in the bottom left corner of the screen and you will need to access the notifications tab to accept the invite.
- Brazil and Australia Server regions have been added to custom games. For players close to these locations please provide us with feedback on your experience at support@brawlhalla.com or on reddit.com/r/brawlhalla
Test Features
Enable these in custom lobbies by enabling ‘Test Features’ in the UI. We’ve added a new platforming mechanic, chase dodges, and a new set of potential 1v1 maps. Let us know what you think!
- Ledge Hopping: If you do an aerial jump close to a platform, it’s now credited as jumping off the platform, meaning you’ll still have 2 aerial jumps remaining
- Chase Dodge: Dodging immediately after landing an attack (and in the same direction as the attack) will cause your dodge to be a full speed dodge regardless of your velocity during the hit.
- Full Speed Dodge Cancels: When dodging at full speed you can now cancel your dodge with a throw, taunt, or any attack.
- Dodges no longer sound different depending on if you’re in the air or not. What used to be the air dodge sound is now the full speed dodge sound, and what used to be the ground dodge sound is now the less-than-full speed dodge sound.
- Added a new Map Set to Timed and Stock for the proposed new set of 1v1 maps for the next ranked season. This set uses smaller, 1v1-focused versions of Thundergard Stadium, The Great Hall, Blackguard Keep, and Mammoth Fortress. This set must be manually picked and will not be selected automatically if you only have 2 players.
- Improved overall consistency of input buffering
- Improved some cases where grab powers like Barraza Neutral Axe could fail to apply Damage and Force around corners. (Credit SolarisHan)
- The old jump protection code has been replaced because there was a bug in it that could make it too strict and it could get you killed, especially after being spiked downward.
UI Improvements
A persistent utility bar with 6 tabs is now available in most screens when navigating the UI.
– Notifications
– Missions
– Friends List
– Lobby List
– Clan List (Coming soon).
– Options
- If you select a random character and the server rejects it, reselecting random will reroll your character so that you no longer have to move to another character and back to random to get a reroll.
- Game settings has been revised to be more controller friendly and now features tabs to better separate information and aid the new notion of creating a public game
- Minor color scheme improvements to Cursed Gold Thatch, Steamsmith Scarlet, and Metadev Orion.
- When selecting your color, it now shows the name of the color instead of “CHOOSE COLOR”
- As long as you remain in the same online or offline game lobby, the game will remember your custom settings each Game Mode instead of resetting.
- Certain color scheme icon display names have changed: “Base Color” => “Classic Color” and “Holiday Colors” => “Winter Holiday Colors”
- You can now change the damage multiplier or enable test features in Training Mode
Art & Animation
- Roland’s base costume received a visual upgrade.
- Tweaked Roland’s character select animation to have less skewing and be more representative of his actual appearance
- Tiny animation tweak to Brynn’s selected pose to reduce how much her neck was stretched
- SFX animation changed for the arrow shot in the base bow kit.
- Power Viewer Hurtboxes are now back to being the correct color (yellow).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed color swap issue with Ronin Koji’s sandals. (Credit: Brodie Fecht)
- Fixed an issue with the Salute taunt where things like wings and scarves would stick in front of the character’s arm.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t spectate a friend who was spectating.
- Fixed a bug where you would not update your friend status when spectating a lobby.
- Fixed a bug where mines and bombs of eliminated players would fail to explode. (Credit Addymestic)
- Fixed a bug where spot dodging on the ground pressing down dodge would not be treated the same as a neutral spot dodge.
- Fixed a bug where you could use the Don’t Leave Me Hangin’ taunt to get an invisible sidekick flyby.
- Fixed a bug where dodging while going faster than max air speed in the air when result in less than a full dodge.
- Fixed some visual bugs with taunt end animations playing late.
- Fixed a bug where ground pounds could cancel by touching vertical walls. (Credit Addymestic)
- Fixed color swap issue with Burglar Asuri’s teeth during some animations.
Balance Changes
Spear seems to be in a pretty good place for most players, but does have some devastating combos at the highest levels of play. We’re downgrading the Side Light -> Side Light and Down Light -> Down Light connections from true combos to strings where they exist.
- Spear Neutral Light: Increased Time to Hit from 3 to 4. (Incorrectly noted as going live in 2.6)
- Spear Side Light: Increased Cooldown from 6 to 10.
- Spear Down Light: Increased Cooldown from 0 to 8.
For Katar, we debated the same approach as spear, but are opting to try lowering damage instead as Katar imbalances seem to be most common among very low rank players. Katar Side Air has been adjusted so that will spike at a more gentle angle unless it connects lower or later in the Hit Window.
- Katar Side Light: Decreased Damage from 11 to 10.
- Katar Neutral Light: Decreased Damage from 19 to 18.
- Katar Neutral Air: Decreased Damage from 15 to 13.
- Katar Side Air: Hitbox is broken into two smaller shapes that happen on different frames. Angle of Force is more horizontal on the first two frames of the Hit Window.
- Katar Down Air: Decreased Damage from 21 to 19.
- Katar Recovery: Decreased Damage from 24 to 21.
Our hitboxing of the Lance tip is starting to feel especially stingy as more hurtboxes are updated. We’ve very slightly increased the priority on a few of its powers.
- Lance Neutral Light: Slightly increased Hitbox size at tip of lance.
- Lance Down Air: Slightly increased Hitbox size at tip of lance.
- Lance Side Air: Slightly increased Hitbox size at tip of lance.
We’ve made some small adjustments to Neutral Light to make its hits and misses feel more correct, and to prevent drops when sliding off of a ledge. The risk for Down Light seems off at the moment, and so the opportunity to punish a missed one is being dialed up.
- Hammer Neutral Light: Moved Hitbox further forward; Slowed rate of falling while active.
- Hammer Down Light: Increased Recover Time on miss from 19 to 22.
After some recent improvements to the Recovery’s ability to land its final shot, we felt the quick initial startup could be dialed down.
- Blasters Recovery: Increased Time to Hit from 6 to 9.
Axe Legends seemed to be one of the stronger groups this patch. We’ve mostly tried to address this in a few overperforming signatures, but some power has been shifted around the Axe’s air game to reduce reliance on the Down Air.
- Axe Down Air: Increased Time to Hit from 11 to 13; Decreased Damage from 20 to 18.
- Axe Side Air: Increased Damage from 15 to 17.
As the newest weapon, Bow is still somewhat up in the air. While most bow users still have low winrates, especially among newer players, the recent buffs have started to catch up with them and made bows a common sight in tournament play. We’re reevaluating some of the more unpopular buffs bows received in recent patches, starting with this one.
- Bow Recovery: Decreased Hitbox size.
Teros’s Neutral Hammer is too dominant right now, but the rest of his signatures are considered pretty bad. We’ve shifted some power from it to his Down Hammer and Neutral Axe.
- Teros Neutral Hammer: Decreased Hitbox size; Decreased Variable Force from 52 to 50; Increased Fixed Force from 68 to 70.
- Teros Down Hammer: Slightly Increased Hitbox sizes; Decreased gap between swings from 20 to 16; Decreased Recover Time from 17 to 14.
- Teros Neutral Axe: Increased Hitbox sizes on initial ascent; Decreased forward movement on first frame.
Barraza’s performance is highly variant depending on where you are in the ladder. At high ranks, he seems fine. At low ranks, he’s underperforming. And in between, he’s a little too strong. We’re shifting power from one of his strongest signatures to one of his weakest.
- Barraza Side Axe: Increased Recover Time when landing from 23 to 27.
- Barraza Neutral Blasters: Decreased Time to Hit from 15 to 13.
Azoth’s Side Bow lingers for a deceptively long time. We’ve removed the Hitboxes from some frames that look like the power should be over.
- Azoth Side Bow: Decreased Hit Window from 26 to 23.
Queen Nai
Nai has remained one of the stronger Legends this patch. Along with the Katar and Spear changes, we’re dialing down the early knockout potential of her Side Katars.
- Nai Side Katar: Decreased Variable Force from 66 to 63.
Sentinel’s Down Katar is one of the faster signatures in the game, likely too quick for its threat and Sentinel’s 4 Dexterity.
- Sentinel Down Katar: Increased Time to Hit from 12 to 14.
Asuri continues to underperform for most players, despite her popularity at high ranks. Her Side Sword is being sped up slightly.
- Asuri Side Sword: Decreased Time to Hit from 22 to 20.
- Fixed some behaviors when a player is hit out of a custom Hurtbox that could cause apparent teleports or drops. (Credit Doppey)
- Hurtbox locations match better while a legend is stunned.
- Gnash Down Hammer: Fixed a bug where the power could land slightly above the ground. (Credit Dobrein)
- Scarlet Side Hammer: Fixed a bug where the power could land slightly above the ground.
- Bödvar Neutral Hammer: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Cassidy Side Hammer: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Orion Side Lance: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Orion Side Spear: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Vraxx Side Blasters: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Gnash Neutral Spear: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Gnash Side Spear: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Gnash Down Spear: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Nai Neutral Spear: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Nai Side Spear: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Nai Side Katar: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Lucien Side Katar: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Lucien Down Katar: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Lucien Side Blasters: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Lucien Down Blasters: Updated hurtboxes to better match animation.
- Lance Neutral Light: Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit.
- Hammer Neutral Light: Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit. (Credit Dobrein)
- Roland Side Sword: Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit. (Credit Dobrein)
- Roland Neutral Sword: Fixed a timing issue where animation and Hit Window did not match. Power timing unchanged. (Credit Dobrein)
- Sentinel Down Katar: Fixed a timing issue where animation and Hit Window did not match. Power timing changes noted above.