Brawlhalla Community Art Showcase #78

Brawlhalla Community Art Showcase #78

Welcome to the 78th Brawlhalla Community Art Showcase! We’ve got some fantastic art that ya’ll in the community have made that we want to show off! As always, thank you for continuing to create amazing community art and for sharing it online! 6F6_SZ-GKYBQT

What?! That’s crazy! What a sweet action shot!

This is really cool. I love the texturing on this.

Lemon Empress always does a really good job with the glow and lighting.

Oh wow this is so cool. I love how Isaiah looks.

Oh my gosh this is absolutely adorable.

Haha that’s great. The water on this looks really good.

Holy cow this is stunning. Speechless. X6SHND-X3_HNE

Haha that’s awesome. I can just imagine Sentinel watching over his city.

This is great. Really good job.

Oh dang! The light falling off on this is really good. Love the family dynamic.

Haha Kor is so cute. This should be an Emote somewhere. 2KHAZ8-NA8_A2

Oh wow, that’s really good. Does that sabertooth have a name? It should get a name.

:clap: DXKM8D-1Q_T97

:100: 4YZDFD-T_Q3WX

Yo! They’re already making art of them!

:pogchamp: 7NQ2CE-P5P_0H

Oooo I like this! HYA4QJ-V_193M

:heart: 6HGF69-M6_NPY

:christmas_tree: BXM_46-1YHN49

:heart: WXZCH6-3BR4_C

:fire: 46VQ_S-554C2W


:heart: 5K_H21-3ZJ1GM

:xullpog: GF59PB-Y_X8JB

Thanks for checking out the 78th Community Art Showcase. If you find something you like and want to share it with us, use the #BrawlhallaArt or tag us @Brawlhalla. If you’re looking for the CC’s then you’ll have to look throughout the post and figure out the missing character through trial and error. 65_E2D-H72PJP

Legend splash