Brawlhalla Patch 3.07- Outlaw Chest!
Hello and welcome to Patch 3.07! Today we’re adding the new Outlaw Chest, performance improvements, bugfixes, and changing out the Brawl of the Week and the Legend Rotation. We hope you’ll continue to celebrate the Brawlhallidays through January 3rd, and we’ll see you in Brawlhalla!
In a rogue train robbery organized by Caspian, one stray piece of loot was left behind. The Outlaw Chest was recovered and is now available to open in Mallhalla! This chest contains eighteen skins with three new skins to obtain:
- Sidewinder Hattori
- Badlands Asuri
- Aces High Caspian
- The Brawlhallidays will continue through January 3rd, 2018!
Brawl of the Week – 2v2 Snowbrawl!
- Snowball fights are better when you have a teammate!
- Friendly Fire OFF
- Standard Snowbrawl rules and maps.
- Highest scoring team wins!
- Decreased texture memory usage of snow on stages for the Brawlhallidays.
- Decreased texture memory usage on Twilight Grove and Grumpy Temple.
Art & Animation
- Repositioned Katar above forearm during part of Asuri’s Down Katar Sig for better visual clarity.
New Legend Rotation
This week’s new Legend rotation features Artemis, Bodvar, Cross, Diana, Gnash, and Ragnir.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug causing chest tooltips to refer to skins as costumes.
- Fixed a bug where the chat box could get out of order. Specifically, if your opponent said something, then left, and then you opened the chat box afterward, it would show them leaving before their chat.
- Fixed a bug that caused Cannon to not play hit sounds on PS4.
- Fixed the glow positioning on Bomby the Avatar, Heatwave podium, Upstage podium, and others on PS4
Holiday Note – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Blue Mammoth Games! Thank you so much for playing our game, and being a part of Brawlhalla. We wanted to let you know that we’re taking some time off during the holidays to spend time with our families, friends, and probably three-stocking that annoying cousin we always run into at the family reunions. As such, next week after Christmas we will be only changing the new Legend Rotation. The next big patch will be in the New Year, and we will see you then! Happy Holidays!