Brawlhalla World Championship 2019 Results
Brawlhalla Esports Year Four concluded with the 2019 Brawlhalla World Championship! Over the entire year of 2019, professional Brawlhalla players competed for power ranking, massive prize pools and the glory of being crowned champion. The best Brawlhalla players from each region were flown out to compete in the Brawlhalla World Championship, including names like Kylar Alice, Fiend and Tiger. $100,000 was split between the 1v1 and 2v2 championship events, and everyone in attendance fought fiercely for the lion’s share of the prize. Here are the results of the 2019 Brawlhalla World Championship!
Brawlhalla World Championship 2v2 VOD
Brawlhalla World Championship 1v1 VOD
Brawlhalla World Championship FINALS VOD
The 2019 Brawlhalla World Championship was a thrilling conclusion to the fourth year of Brawlhalla Esports! Along with the amazing competition that was put on display, there were plenty of exciting reveals for fans of Brawlhalla! Revealed at the world championship on Sunday was the new game mode: Capture the Flag, a sneak peak at the new legend, and the unveiling of the Brawlhalla on Mobile Closed Beta. If you’re interested in signing up for the closed beta, head on over to Brawlhalla.com/mobile! As for Brawlhalla Esports, we’re excited to see all of you again next year.
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