Brawlhalla Patch 2.78
Welcome to Patch 2.78! With this patch, Achievements on Steam are going live! We’re excited to add achievements to Brawlhalla, and we’re looking forward to hearing about your progress through them all. We’re also adding the new Ragnarök Chest, new UI sounds, networking adjustments and more!
New Ragnarök Chest!
The Ragnarök Chest has been discovered! This chest contains an assortment of 18 skins and three chest exclusive skins, which are:
- Fenrir Mordex
- Nidhogg Nai
- Jotun Ulgrim
Enjoy The School Year!
The Back To School event has come to a close. You can still purchase the skins and avatars from this event for one extra week. Good luck at school this year!
Brawl of The Week – Platform King!
- Stay on the red platform to score points as it moves around the map.
- Four players.
- Two minutes.
- Highest score wins!
- Brawlhalla achievements on Steam are now live!
- If you’ve previously met requirements for achievements related to Gold earned you will receive that achievement when receiving gold again.
- If you’ve previously met requirements for achievements related to Account Level you will receive that achievement after your first online game.
- If you’ve previously met requirements for achievements related to Legend Level you will receive that achievement after leveling up any Legend to level 5 or higher.
- All other achievements will need to be earned anew.
- Note: PS4 Trophies will be activated in a later patch.
- Changed networking algorithm slightly so that delay will respond to lag spikes more quickly, but also they should clear up more quickly. You shouldn’t need to logout and back in to help clear up the effects of the lag spike. Please let us know how this affects you.
Keybinding Improvements
- Num Lock Protection: PC players who rebind controls to number pad keys while Num Lock is on will also have those bindings mirrored to work in case the Num Lock key is accidentally pressed off during play.
- For example, if you bind Primary Quick Attack to “NUM_1”, Secondary Quick Attack will automatically get bound to “End”. Likewise, binding Secondary Quick Attack to “NUM_1” will automatically bind Primary Quick Attack to “End”.
- It will not work this way if Num Lock is off, however, so binding Primary Move Left to “Left” will not also bind Secondary Move Left to “NUM_4”.
- This is done when you are setting bindings, so it will not be done retroactively. Any current custom keyboard bindings you have will not be affected by this change. You must rebind your controls if you want this to take effect.
- New Dash sounds!
- Button click audio feedback is now more prominent.
- All UI screens now play feedback audio when a cursor moves and or makes a selection.
- Added notification feedback audio for bottom left popup.
- Added level roulette animation audio feedback to character select.
- Added level selection audio feedback to character select.
- Added Ready Banner and general Legend lock in audio feedback to character select.
- Added audio feedback for login gold bonus screen.
- Improved chest opening fanfare audio in store.
- Refund item feedback audio added to the store.
- Purchase feedback audio added to the store.
- The purchase feedback view in the store will now play audio feedback for Legends.
- The item view in the store will now play audio feedback for Legends.
New Legend Rotation
This week’s new Legend Rotation features Bodvar, Caspian, Diana, Jhala, Mirage, and Ulgrim.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that delayed Fast Fall after a Dash Jump if holding forward. (Credit: Diakou)
- Fixed a bug causing UI sounds triggered by mouse interactions to play louder than ones triggered by keyboard and controller.
- Fixed a bug in Training and the Powers Viewer where keyboard inputs while paused would all get saved and executed once the next frame was reached. It will now work the same as controllers do where only inputs that are still held when the next frame is reached are registered.